Gestión de aplicaciones
Consulta la información esencial para trabajar con nuestras APIs
Puedes usar esta documentación para las siguientes unidades de negocio:
Start testing
Create a test user
You need to have a token to create a test user. If you haven’t got your access_token yet, you may read the Authentication & Authorization guide, or you can simply come back here when you are ready to test. You only need to send on the JSON the country where you want to operate. Consult our sites API to know the site_id of each country. We recommend the creation of at least one seller user and one buyer user, to make transactions between them.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
Great! On the response you get the User_id, Nickname, Password and current status of your new test user.
When working with test users, you need to take into account the following considerations:
- You can create up to 10 test users with your Mercado Libre account. (when the test user is created the credentials must be saved, we do not have a resource that displays the created test users and their credentials.)
- Test users won’t be active for too long, but once they expire, you can create new ones.
- List under the “Others” category as much as possible.
- Never list under “gold” or “gold_premium” so it doesn’t get to our home page.
- Test users can simulate operations only with listings from other test users: they can only buy, sell, ask questions, etc., in test list, created by test accounts.
- Test users showing no activity (buy, ask, publish, etc.) during 60 days are immediately removed.
- Test items are removed regularly.
- The email's validation code for test users will be equal to the last digits of the user id and can have 4 or 6 digits. For example, for user id 653764425, the code could be 764425.
Great! you just finished our Getting Started section. To continue learning, we recommend you to visit our API docs, and choose among our verticals: Products, Real Estates, Vehicles or Services.
Buy and sell between users test
Remember that tests on the platform and all transactions must be done with test users. In addition, personal accounts should not contain ads. If you want to simulate purchases between test users, you could use our test cards. Remember that testing on the platform and all transactions must be done between test users. In addition, personal accounts must not contain listings for this purpose.