Recursos Cross
Explora los recursos principales de nuestras APIs
Puedes usar esta documentación para las siguientes unidades de negocio:
Gestionar envíos
El recurso /shipments contiene toda la información referida al envío que se debe realizar para concluir con la transacción.
Es importante recordar que el nuevo JSON de Orders ya no contendrá datos de Shipping, como ha sido hasta ahora. El recurso /shipments/shipment_id/ seguirá teniendo su estructura, mostrando la información básica para realizar el envío. Hemos introducido algunos cambios en la estructura JSON, que puede ver a continuación
Consultar envíos
Ejemplo de llamada
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID
"snapshot_packing": {
"snapshot_id": "string",
"pack_hash": "string"
"last_updated": "string",
"items_types": [
"substatus": "string",
"date_created": "string",
"origin": {
"node": "string", // campo correspondiente a la network_node_id de multi-origen
"shipping_address": {
"country": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"address_line": "XXXXXXX",
"types": [
"scoring": 0,
"agency": {
"carrier_id": null,
"phone": null,
"agency_id": null,
"description": null,
"type": null,
"open_hours": null
"city": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"geolocation_type": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"address_id": 0,
"municipality": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"location_id": 0,
"street_name": "XXXXXXX",
"zip_code": "XXXXXXX",
"geolocation_source": "string",
"node": {
"node_id": "string" // campo correspondiente a la network_node_id de multi-origen
"intersection": null,
"street_number": "XXXXXXX",
"comment": "XXXXXXX",
"state": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"neighborhood": {
"id": null,
"name": "string"
"geolocation_last_updated": "string",
"longitude": 0
"type": "string",
"sender_id": 0,
"snapshot": {
"id": "string",
"version": 0
"destination": {
"comments": null,
"receiver_id": 0,
"receiver_name": "string",
"shipping_address": {
"country": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"address_line": "string",
"types": [
"scoring": 0,
"agency": {
"carrier_id": null,
"phone": null,
"agency_id": null,
"description": null,
"type": null,
"open_hours": null
"city": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"geolocation_type": "string",
"latitude": 0,
"address_id": 0,
"municipality": {
"id": null,
"name": null
"location_id": 0,
"street_name": "string",
"zip_code": "string",
"geolocation_source": "string",
"delivery_preference": "string",
"node": null,
"intersection": null,
"street_number": "string",
"comment": null,
"state": {
"id": "string",
"name": "string"
"neighborhood": {
"id": null,
"name": "string"
"geolocation_last_updated": "string",
"longitude": 0
"type": "string",
"receiver_phone": "XXXXXXX",
"snapshot": {
"id": "string",
"version": 0
"source": {
"site_id": "string",
"market_place": "MELI",
"customer_id": null,
"application_id": null
"tags": [
"declared_value": 0,
"logistic": {
"mode": "me2",
"type": "drop_off",
"direction": "forward"
"sibling": {
"reason": null,
"sibling_id": null,
"description": null,
"source": null,
"date_created": null,
"last_updated": null
"priority_class": {
"id": "string"
"lead_time": {
"processing_time": null,
"cost": 0,
"estimated_schedule_limit": {
"date": null
"cost_type": "string",
"estimated_delivery_final": {
"date": "string",
"offset": 0
"buffering": {
"date": null
"pickup_promise": {
"from": null,
"to": null
"list_cost": 0,
"estimated_delivery_limit": {
"date": "string",
"offset": 0
"priority_class": {
"id": "string"
"delivery_promise": "string",
"shipping_method": {
"name": "string",
"deliver_to": "string",
"id": 511948,
"type": "string"
"delivery_type": "string",
"estimated_handling_limit": {
"date": "string"
"service_id": 22,
"estimated_delivery_time": {
"date": "string",
"pay_before": "string",
"schedule": null,
"unit": "string",
"offset": {
"date": "string",
"shipping": 0
"shipping": 0,
"time_frame": {
"from": null,
"to": null
"handling": 0,
"type": "string"
"option_id": 0,
"estimated_delivery_extended": {
"date": "string",
"offset": 0
"currency_id": "string"
"external_reference": null,
"tracking_number": "string",
"id": 0,
"tracking_method": "string",
"quotation": null,
"status": "string",
"dimensions": {
"height": 0,
"width": 0,
"length": 0,
"weight": 0
Ítems asociados a un envío
El recurso /shipments/$SHIPMENT_ID/items devuelve los ítems asociados a un shipment. En caso de que el ítem contenga variaciones (Por ejemplo: talle o color en indumentaria), también podrás ver cual corresponde a la orden dentro del envío. A medida que habilitemos envíos con más de un ítem, la lista pasará a contener cada uno de ellos.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/items
"item_id": "string",
"description": "string",
"quantity": 0,
"variation_id": 0,
"dimensions": {
"height": 0,
"width": 0,
"length": 0,
"weight": 0
"order_id": 0,
"sender_id": 0
Costos del envío
El recurso /shipments/shipment_id/costs devuelve los costos del envío que deberá afrontar el usuario. También podrá visualizar el ahorro conseguido por el envío de más de un producto en la misma caja (cuando esté habilitada está funcionalidad), a través del parámetro “save”, en caso de que exista.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/costs
"gross_amount": 24.55,
"receiver": {
"user_id": 74425755,
"cost": 0,
"compensation": 0,
"save": 0,
"discounts": [
"rate": 1,
"type": "loyal",
"promoted_amount": 4.07
"senders": [
"user_id": 81387353,
"cost": 8.19,
"compensation": 0,
"save": 0,
"discounts": [
"rate": 0.6,
"type": "mandatory",
"promoted_amount": 12.29
gross_amount: Es el costo total del shipment sin ningún tipo de descuento.
discounts: representa una lista que puede venir vacía si no hay ningún descuento, y sino puede tener uno o más descuentos asociados.
senders: es una lista adaptada a versiones futuras de Carrito de Compras donde un solo envío podrá contener productos de diferentes vendedores.
cost: representa el costo final del envío que corresponde a cada usuario.
Pagos de un envío
El recurso /shipments/shipment_id/payments devuelve los payments asociados al envío. Ten en cuenta que ahora el pago del envío estará discriminado.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/payments
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'
"payment_id": 1111111111,
"user_id": 291760105,
"amount": 17.7,
"status": "approved"
Plazos de entrega (Handling time)
El recurso /shipments/$SHIPMENT_ID/lead_time devuelve todo lo referente a los plazos de entrega de un envío y tipo de servicio, sumando las fechas límites de despacho y entrega. Si bien el recurso base de shipment ya trae información útil para hacer estas estimaciones, acá podrás visualizarlo de manera más detallada, lo cual ayudará a dar una mejor experiencia para el usuario.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/lead_time
"option_id": 0,
"shipping_method": {
"id": 0,
"type": "standard",
"name": "string",
"deliver_to": "address"
"currency_id": "string",
"cost": 0,
"cost_type": "charged",
"service_id": 0,
"estimated_delivery_time": {
"type": "known",
"date": "string",
"shipping": 0,
"handling": 0,
"unit": "string",
"offset": {
"date": "string",
"shipping": 0
"time_frame": {
"from": 0,
"to": 0
"pay_before": "string"
"estimated_handling_limit": {
"date": "2016-12-30T12:32:35.000Z"
"estimated_delivery_extended": {
"date": "2016-12-30T12:32:35.000Z"
"estimated_delivery_limit": {
"date": "2016-12-30T12:32:35.000Z"
"estimated_delivery_final": {
"date": "2016-12-30T12:32:35.000Z"
"delay": [
El campo cost_type puede ser "free", "charged" o "partially_free".
Campos de respuesta (tiempos estimados)
- estimated_handling_limit: fecha tentativa de despacho del vendedor. Este valor es solo una estimación y puede variar. Para conocer el tiempo de despacho comprometido, se debe considerar el SLA correspondiente. Más detalles en este enlace.
- estimated_delivery_extended: segunda promesa de entrega, en caso de que la original no se cumpla.
estimated_delivery_limit: fecha límite para que el comprador puede cancelar la compra y pedir la devolución de dinero, siempre y cuando todavía no haya llegado el envío. - estimated_delivery_final: fecha final como plazo para que llegue el envío y se determine el status final que puede ser delivered o, en caso de haber entrado un reclamo, not_delivered. Ver más información sobre los costos de envío y handling time.
Conocer envíos con retraso
Los vendedores deben despachar sus paquetes en horarios específicos para no afectar tu reputación. Utiliza los links en tu herramienta para que tus vendedores tengan acceso a esa información (Argentina, Brasil, México, Chile, Uruguai y Colombia).
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/delays
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'
"shipment_id": 30143583389,
"delays": [{
"type": "handling_delayed",
"date": "2020-09-23T09:07:20Z",
"source": "shipping-delays"
Consultar historial (status y substatus) del envío
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'
Status y substatus Front vs. API
Ten en cuenta que los substatus pueden cambiar en base a los tipos logísticos.
Tracking para Cross Docking
Front | Descripción | API - "status_history" |
"En preparación" | "Estamos preparando el paquete" | status: handling |
"En camino" | "El vendedor despachó ty paquete" | status: ready_to_ship substatus: picked_up, authorized_by_carrier |
"Ingresó al centro de distribución de ....." | status: ready_to_ship substatus: in_hub |
"Entregado" | "Entregamos el paquete" | status: delivered |
Tracking para Fulfillment
Front | Descripción | API - "status_history" |
"En preparación" | "Estamos preparando el paquete" | status: handling |
"En camino" | "El paquete salió del centro de distribuición" | status: shipped |
"Entregado" | "Entregamos el paquete" | status: delivered |
Consultar información del transporte (carrier)
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/carrier
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'
"name":"Total Express"
Información sobre estados y subestados de un envío
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'
"id": "to_be_agreed",
"name": "To be agreed",
"substatuses": []
"id": "pending",
"name": "Pending",
"substatuses": [
"id": "cost_exceeded",
"name": "Cost exceeded"
"id": "under_review",
"name": "Under review (e.g. fraud)"
"id": "reviewed",
"name": "Reviewed"
"id": "fraudulent",
"name": "fraudulent"
"id": "waiting_for_payment",
"name": "Waiting for shipping payment to be accredited"
"id": "shipment_paid",
"name": "Shipping cost has been paid"
"id": "creating_route",
"name": "Route has been created"
"id": "manufacturing",
"name": "Manufacturing"
"id": "buffered",
"name": "Buffered"
"id": "creating_shipping_order",
"name": "Creating shipping order"
"id": "handling",
"name": "Handling",
"substatuses": [
"id": "regenerating",
"name": "Regenerating"
"id": "waiting_for_label_generation",
"name": "Waiting for label generation"
"id": "invoice_pending",
"name": "Invoice pending"
"id": "waiting_for_return_confirmation",
"name": "Waiting for return confirmation"
"id": "return_confirmed",
"name": "Return Confirmed"
"id": "manufacturing",
"name": "Manufacturing"
"id": "agency_unavailable",
"name": "Agency unavailable"
"id": "ready_to_ship",
"name": "Ready to ship",
"substatuses": [
"id": "ready_to_print",
"name": "Ready to print"
"id": "invoice_pending",
"name": "Invoice pending"
"id": "printed",
"name": "Printed"
"id": "in_pickup_list",
"name": "In pikcup list"
"id": "ready_for_pkl_creation",
"name": "Ready for pkl creation"
"id": "ready_for_pickup",
"name": "Ready for pickup"
"id": "ready_for_dropoff",
"name": "Ready for drop off"
"id": "picked_up",
"name": "Picked up"
"id": "stale",
"name": "Stale Ready To Ship"
"id": "dropped_off",
"name": "Dropped off in Melipoint"
"id": "delayed",
"name": "Delayed"
"id": "claimed_me",
"name": "Stale shipment claimed by buyer"
"id": "waiting_for_last_mile_authorization",
"name": "Waiting for last mile authorization"
"id": "rejected_in_hub",
"name": "Rejected in hub"
"id": "in_transit",
"name": "In transit"
"id": "in_warehouse",
"name": "In Warehouse"
"id": "ready_to_pack",
"name": "Ready to Pack"
"id": "in_hub",
"name": "In hub"
"id": "measures_ready",
"name": "Measures and weight ready"
"id": "waiting_for_carrier_authorization",
"name": "Waiting for carrier authorization"
"id": "authorized_by_carrier",
"name": "Authorized by carrier MELI"
"id": "in_packing_list",
"name": "In packing list"
"id": "in_plp",
"name": "In PLP"
"id": "on_hold",
"name": "On hold"
"id": "packed",
"name": "Packed"
"id": "on_route_to_pickup",
"name": "On route to pickup"
"id": "picking_up",
"name": "Picking up"
"id": "shipping_order_initialized",
"name": "Shipping order initialized"
"id": "looking_for_driver",
"name": "looking for driver"
"id": "shipped",
"name": "Shipped",
"substatuses": [
"id": "delayed",
"name": "Delayed"
"id": "waiting_for_withdrawal",
"name": "Waiting for withdrawal"
"id": "contact_with_carrier_required",
"name": "Contact with carrier required"
"id": "receiver_absent",
"name": "Receiver absent"
"id": "reclaimed",
"name": "Reclaimed"
"id": "not_localized",
"name": "Not localized"
"id": "forwarded_to_third",
"name": "Forwarded to third party"
"id": "soon_deliver",
"name": "Soon deliver"
"id": "refused_delivery",
"name": "Delivery refused"
"id": "bad_address",
"name": "Bad address"
"id": "changed_address",
"name": "Changed address"
"id": "negative_feedback",
"name": "Stale shipped with negative feedback by buyer"
"id": "need_review",
"name": "Need to review carrier status to understand what happened"
"id": "stale",
"name": "Stale shipped"
"id": "operator_intervention",
"name": "Need operator intervention"
"id": "claimed_me",
"name": "Stale shipped that was claimed by the receiver"
"id": "retained",
"name": "Retained when package is on going"
"id": "out_for_delivery",
"name": "Package is out for delivery"
"id": "delivery_failed",
"name": "Delivery failed"
"id": "waiting_for_confirmation",
"name": "waiting for confirmation"
"id": "at_the_door",
"name": "Shipment at buyers door"
"id": "buyer_edt_limit_stale",
"name": "Buyer edt limit stale"
"id": "delivery_blocked",
"name": "Delivery blocked"
"id": "awaiting_tax_documentation",
"name": "Awaiting tax documentation"
"id": "dangerous_area",
"name": "Dangerous area"
"id": "buyer_rescheduled",
"name": "Buyer rescheduled"
"id": "failover",
"name": "Failover"
"id": "picked_up",
"name": "Picked up"
"id": "dropped_off",
"name": "Dropped off"
"id": "at_customs",
"name": "At customs"
"id": "delayed_at_customs",
"name": "Delayed at customs"
"id": "left_customs",
"name": "Left customs"
"id": "missing_sender_payment",
"name": "Missing sender payment"
"id": "missing_sender_documentation",
"name": "Missing sender documentation"
"id": "missing_recipient_documentation",
"name": "Missing recipient documentation"
"id": "missing_recipient_payment",
"name": "Missing recipient payment"
"id": "import_taxes_paid",
"name": "Import taxes paid"
"id": "delivered",
"name": "Delivered",
"substatuses": [
"id": "damaged",
"name": "damaged"
"id": "fulfilled_feedback",
"name": "Fulfilled by buyer feedback"
"id": "no_action_taken",
"name": "No action taken by buyer"
"id": "double_refund",
"name": "Double Refund"
"id": "inferred",
"name": "Inferred Delivery"
"id": "not_delivered",
"name": "Not delivered",
"substatuses": [
"id": "returning_to_sender",
"name": "Returning to sender"
"id": "receiver_absent",
"name": "Receiver absent"
"id": "to_review",
"name": "Closed shipment"
"id": "destroyed",
"name": "Destroyed"
"id": "waiting_for_withdrawal",
"name": "Waiting for withdrawal"
"id": "negative_feedback",
"name": "Stale shipped forced to not delivered due to negative feedback by buyer"
"id": "not_localized",
"name": "Not localized"
"id": "double_refund",
"name": "Double Refund"
"id": "cancelled_measurement_exceeded",
"name": "Shipment cancelled for measurement exceeded"
"id": "returned_to_hub",
"name": "Returned to hub"
"id": "returned_to_agency",
"name": "Returned to agency"
"id": "picked_up_for_return",
"name": "Picked up for return"
"id": "claimed_me",
"name": "Not delivered that was claimed by the receiver"
"id": "returning_to_warehouse",
"name": "Returning to Warehouse"
"id": "returning_to_hub",
"name": "Returning to Hub"
"id": "soon_to_be_returned",
"name": "Soon to be returned"
"id": "return_failed",
"name": "Return failed"
"id": "in_storage",
"name": "In storage"
"id": "pending_recovery",
"name": "Pending recovery"
"id": "agency_unavailable",
"name": "Agency unavailable"
"id": "rejected_damaged",
"name": "Rejected damaged"
"id": "refused_delivery",
"name": "Refused delivery"
"id": "refunded_by_delay",
"name": "Refunded by delay"
"id": "delayed",
"name": "Delayed"
"id": "delayed_to_hub",
"name": "Delayed to hub"
"id": "shipment_stopped",
"name": "Shipment stopped"
"id": "awaiting_tax_documentation",
"name": "Awaiting tax documentation"
"id": "retained",
"name": "Retained"
"id": "stolen",
"name": "Stolen"
"id": "returned",
"name": "Returned"
"id": "confiscated",
"name": "confiscated"
"id": "damaged",
"name": "Package damaged in hub"
"id": "lost",
"name": "Package lost"
"id": "recovered",
"name": "Recovered"
"id": "returned_to_warehouse",
"name": "Returned to Warehouse"
"id": "not_recovered",
"name": "Not recovered"
"id": "detained_at_customs",
"name": "Detained at customs"
"id": "detained_at_origin",
"name": "Detained at origin"
"id": "unclaimed",
"name": "Unclaimed by seller"
"id": "import_tax_rejected",
"name": "Import tax rejected"
"id": "import_tax_expired",
"name": "Import tax expired"
"id": "rider_not_found",
"name": "Rider not found"
"id": "not_verified",
"name": "Not verified",
"substatuses": []
"id": "cancelled",
"name": "Cancelled",
"substatuses": [
"id": "recovered",
"name": "Recovered"
"id": "label_expired",
"name": "Label Expired"
"id": "cancelled_manually",
"name": "Cancelled Manually"
"id": "fraudulent",
"name": "Cancelled Fraudulent"
"id": "return_expired",
"name": "Return expired"
"id": "return_session_expired",
"name": "Return session expired"
"id": "unfulfillable",
"name": "Unfulfillable"
"id": "closed_by_user",
"name": "User changes the type of shipping and cancels the previous"
"id": "pack_splitted",
"name": "The pack was split by the cart splitter so the shipment gets cancelled"
"id": "shipped_outside_me",
"name": "Shipped outside me"
"id": "shipped_outside_me_trusted",
"name": "Shipped outside me by trusted seller"
"id": "inferred_shipped",
"name": "Inferred shipped"
"id": "service_unavailable",
"name": "Service unavailable"
"id": "dismissed",
"name": "Dismissed"
"id": "time_expired",
"name": "Time expired"
"id": "pack_partially_cancelled",
"name": "Pack partially cancelled"
"id": "rejected_manually",
"name": "Rejected manually"
"id": "closed_store",
"name": "Closed store"
"id": "out_of_range",
"name": "Out of range"
"id": "closed",
"name": "Closed",
"substatuses": []
"id": "error",
"name": "Error",
"substatuses": []
"id": "active",
"name": "Active",
"substatuses": []
"id": "not_specified",
"name": "Not specified",
"substatuses": []
"id": "stale_ready_to_ship",
"name": "Stale ready to ship",
"substatuses": []
"id": "stale_shipped",
"name": "Stale shipped",
"substatuses": []
Crear paquetes de envío adicionales (Split de envíos)
En caso que tengas un inconveniente al momento de agrupar diferentes productos en un mismo paquete (ya sea porque están en distintos depósitos, son frágiles, no entran en una misma caja, etc.) puedes utilizar el recurso que te permite generar paquetes adicionales para poder despachar todos los productos.
- Todos los subpacks lleven un package_id único dentro del body.
- Ninguno de los subpacks lleve un package_id.
Lo anterior implica que puede no usarse, pero si se provee un package_id en algún subpack, todos deben llevar un package_id y además debe cumplirse que sean todos distintos para poder identificarlos.
- El envío debe poseer una orden de cantidad mayor a 2 o tener más de una orden.
- El order_id representa a la orden que contiene el producto que debe ser apartado del paquete original.
- Se creará un nuevo shipment con la orden correspondiente al order_id apartado y disparará las notificaciones correspondientes.
- El mismo shipment únicamente se puede dividir en dos cajas por vez y además, no se puede dividir múltiples veces.
Valores posibles en el campo "reason"
FRAGILE: productos frágiles.
ANOTHER_WAREHOUSE: otro centro de distribución.
IRREGULAR_SHAPE: forma irregulares.
OTHER_MOTIVE: otro motivo.
DIMENSIONS_EXCEEDED: dimensiones excedidas.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true' -H 'x-format-new: true'$SHIPMENT_ID/split
"packs": [{
"package_id": 1, --- OPTIONAL FIELD ---
"orders": [{
"id": 20000001,
"quantity": 2
"package_id": 2, --- OPTIONAL FIELD ---
"orders": [{
"id": 20000002,
"quantity": 1
"id": 20000003,
"quantity": 1
La respuesta con éxito será solo un "200 - OK" con retorno vacío.
Consideraciones post-Split
Como el recurso no devuelve los nuevos pedidos creados, se debe consultar a través de las notificaciones de pedidos o envíos, correspondientes al split.
Con esto, verá impactado en:
- Pack: El estado del pack de este pedido cambiará a "status": "cancelled" y "status_detail": "splitted"
- Order: El pedido también quedará con el "status": "cancelled" y en "cancel_detail": tendrá la descripción "code": "pack_splitted"
- Shipments: El envío tendrá "status": "cancelled" y "substatus": "pack_splitted"
- Por último, como forma de identificar que el nuevo pedido está relacionado con el anterior que sufrió el split, en el envío tendrá el campo sibling_id con el número del envío cancelado, además del Reason con el motivo del split.
Conoce más sobre Modos de Envíos, Gestionar órdenes de Carrito.
Siguiente: Gestionar pagos.