Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
List properties
Real estate and classified items in general are the only kind of listing that allows users to display their contact information to the public, so when users are browsing properties to rent or buy and they have an interest on one of the properties you own, they can get in contact with you right away. So, you won’t sale or rent your property directly from our site, but you’ll expose it to every user that’s browsing the web for properties.
Listing results
Each item you list will appear in the listing results of a given search. For example, when a user search for the query “Casa en Mar del Plata”, as a result he will get a list of all items related. Your property can be on this list. When someone clicks on an item, the Item details page is displayed showing all the information about the item that was provided at the time of listing, keep reading to know more about it.
Real estate item fields
Let’s see a real estate item by API. This is easy since you only need to know the item_id associated to that item, and since it’s public you can get it from the item’s page. A item_id, you will find it at the top of the page. You just need to add the site_id before the number you see and that’s it. Now you can call the Items resource to get all the information you need:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID
curl - X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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"health": null,
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xThere’s a lot of information in the Json response. Below you’ll find some important guidelines.
Defining attributes
You must know some of the fields are mandatory when you create a JSON for your item, while some others can be skipped or will be automatically added by us. They will define how the item is displayed and the position on search results. Next, we mention the most important fields that you should send. Remember that, in addition to them, the complementary fields (attributes) must also be sent in the attribute array. For more information, you can read the categories and attributes guide.
Avoid adjectives and abbreviations. The correct title must contain the operation type (lease/sale/temporary lease) + property type + rooms + neighborhood. The title words are very important, since they are the ones matching the search word of the user, so the higher the match is, the publication will appear in first places. Example: Apartment Sale 4 rooms Recoleta.
A detailed description will improve your chances to rent or buy your property and will save you time from answering unnecessary question. If you are interested in increasing your knowledge about this topic, check our item description guide.
When publishing a classified ad, sending your location is mandatory. The location of Mercado Libre has 4 levels: country, state, city and neighborhood. You must send at least city or neighborhood. Example:
location: {
address_line: "Avenida Jurucê, 436",
zip_code: "04080011",
neighborhood: {
id: "TUxCQklORHduMDB0"
"city": {
"id": "TUxCQ1NQLTkxMjE",
"state": {
"id": "TUxCUFNBT085N2E4",
"country": {
"id": "BR",
Always remember to send the id of each location sent, according to the example above. For the “address_line” field, always send the street followed by the number (the street number must always be the last information sent in this field. Correct example: Avenida Jurucê, 436 Incorrect example: Avenida Jurucê, 436 Moema
For information, learn how to check location codes of Mercado Libre.
Seller’s contacts
They are contact data of the seller who owns the ad. These values are optional, and, if they are not notified, Mercado Libre will use the seller’s account data. Example:
seller_contact: {
contact: "Nome Contato Teste",
area_code: "11",
phone: "4444-5555",
area_code2: "21",
phone2: "1111-3333",
email: "",
Good pictures can make your property more appealing and give other users a better idea of how it looks like. It is necessary to check by category the amount of images that you can publish, by max_pictures_per_item and max_pictures_per_item_var fields. This is a mandatory attribute according to the group by property type.
We highly recommend not to use slow servers to host your pictures since this can lead to disadvantages when listing. You can also add or change pictures to your item later on, please read more about this topic to know which kind of pictures are allowed and how to work with them on our Working with pictures guide.
The minimum amount of images has an impact on the quality of a publication and these amounts are different between the 3 groups of property types:
- Grup 1: Houses / Apartments / Offices / Plots (12 pictures).
- Grup 2: Premises / Agricultural / Sites / Lands / Warehouses / Lots (6 pictures).
- Grup 3: Parking lots (4 photos).
Category & attributes
Sellers must define a category in MercadoLibre site. This attribute is mandatory and only accepts pre-established ids. Each category has it’s own attributes for you to work with. To get the details see our Categories and Attributes guide.
The price is mandatory and must be in the publication.
This attribute is mandatory. You must define it using a preset ID. You will find available currency IDs by calling the category where you want to publish your article. Learn how to do it with our Location and Currencies guide.
Common Expense
The MAINTENANCE_FEE attribute is mandatory. You must include the monetary value of the monthly common expense in the corresponding currency of the country (each currency has a preset ID).
The IS_SUITABLE_FOR_PETS attribute is mandatory and must be sent. The values defined for this attribute where it must be defined if pets are accepted are Yes and No together with the preset ID.
The PARKING_LOTS attribute is a mandatory numeric value. In this attribute the number of parking spaces available must be defined.
The WAREHOUSES attribute is a mandatory numeric value. This attribute refers to the number of spaces counted as a warehouse.
The FULL_BATHROOMS attribute is a mandatory numeric value. This attribute refers to the number of full bathrooms in the property.
The FURNISHED attribute is mandatory. It refers to whether the property is furnished, and the values defined for this attribute are Yes and No as appropriate along with the corresponding ID.
Listing Type
It is the plan contracted by the client. This is another case of a mandatory attribute that only accepts pre-defined values and is very important for you to understand about it. There are different listing types available for each site. You should make a mixed call through sites and listing_types resources to know which listing_types are supported. Follow our guide to know which listing type will suite your property best.
Must be sent 1. Represents the quantity of items in the ad. In Mercado Libre, Classified publications do not work with stock, each representing a single property, vehicle or service registry.
It can be "new" or "used", depending on the condition of the publication.
List a real estate property
You’re ready to list your first classified item. Notice you’ll need an access_token to make it. If you have questions regarding how to get your access token, please go back to the Authentication and Authorization tutorial. In addition, we highly recommended you validate the JSON you’re sending before making a POST, so you better check out this really easy and quick item validation tutorial. You can create a JSON for your item basing on the following example, or just send it and you’ll be listing a sample product on the site:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d {
"title": "Property title",
"category_id": "MLA401686",
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"pictures": [
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"area_code": "011",
"phone": "4444-5555",
"area_code2": "",
"phone2": "",
"email": "",
"webmail": ""
"location": {
"address_line": "My property address 1234",
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"neighborhood": {
"id": "TUxBQlBBUzgyNjBa"
"latitude": -34.48755,
"longitude": -58.56987
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"value_name": "30 m²"
"id": "TOTAL_AREA",
"value_name": "40 m²"
"video_id": "gqkEN9poKM;matterport",
"description": {plain_text: "This is the real estate property description. \n"},
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"category_id": "MLA401686",
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"base_price": 100000,
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"catalog_listing": false,
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Video, 360 video and virtual tour
To publish a video, 360 video or a virtual tour of a property you must use the video_id field in the publication, which has the string corresponding to the id of the multimedia resource and an identifier of the provider or platform related to the resource. Like this: video_id="; " will support these 2 types of multimedia resources:
Youtube (only video), for example: “video_id”:“gqkEN9poKM;youtube”.
Matterport (only virtual tour), for example: “video_id”:“gqkEN9poKM;matterport”.
It is only possible to report one type of multimedia content, that is, you must send the link of the YouTube video or a Matterport url.
Modify the location of your property
To make changes in the publication, a PUT must be sent with the new fields to be edited. In the example below, a new location is sent:
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d '{
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"zip_code": "5000",
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Official Stores for Vehicles and Real Estate
The official_store_id field is required for all listings of those users that have an Official Store associated.
If the seller does not have an associated Official Store, you can send the official_store_id field as null.
But it has an Official Store and not say will get an error:
{"message"=>"Validation error", "error"=>"validation_error", "status"=>400, "cause"=>[{"department"=>"items", "cause_id"=>144, "type"=>"error", "code"=>"item.official_store_id.invalid", "references"=>["item.official_store_id", "item.seller_id"], "message"=>"Users type brand have to provide a official store id"}]}
The objective of this field is to associate the item with the Official Store corresponding to the ID. Check the following Official Stores documentation to learn more.
How to know if your seller has an Official Store
If the seller has an Official Store, you can get the ID and more details of the brand.
How to add the official_store_id
When list the item (POST), you must add the store ID in the official_store_id field. In case of update (PUT), you should add the official_store_id field only if it is required to update this explicitly.
Learn more how list an item
Publicar un artículo en una Tienda Oficial es lo mismo que publicar cualquier otro artículo, salvo que también debes agregar el atributo official_store_id en el JSON.
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Know the common mistakes when list in Official Stores
Below, you can see the error 400 received by those users associated with Official Stores that do not send the attribute.
If you don´t send the official_store_id of the item for an Official Multibrand Store, you will receive in response the possible IDs that you could send with your user:
"message": "Validation error",
"error": "validation_error",
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"code": "item.official_store_id.invalid",
"message": "Users type brand have to provide a official store id"
If you send an invalid official_store_id for an Official multi-brand Store, you will receive:
"message": "body.invalid_official_store_id",
"error": "The seller 148829068 is not allowed to use official_store_id 315 on site MLA.",
"status": 403,
"cause": []
Next: Sync and moditify listings.