Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Sellers reputation
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"seller_reputation": {
"level_id": "5_green",
"power_seller_status": "platinum",
"real_level": "red",
"protection_end_date": "2019-12-27T00:00:00.000-04:00",
"transactions": {
"canceled": 981,
"completed": 6211,
"period": "historic",
"ratings": {
"negative": 0.04,
"neutral": 0.08,
"positive": 0.88
"total": 7192
"metrics": {
"sales": {
"period": "60 days",
"completed": 244
"claims": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0,
"excluded": {
"real_value": 24,
"real_rate": 0.0912
"delayed_handling_time": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0,
"excluded": {
"real_value": 47,
"real_rate": 0.723
"cancellations": {
"period": "60 days",
"rate": 0,
"value": 0,
"excluded": {
"real_value": 6,
"real_rate": 0.0228
Resource fields
- level_id: user reputation level described in thermometer numbering and color.
- power_seller_status: this field shows if the seller is Mercado Lider, and the name of medal received, whether Silver, Gold or Platinum.
- real_level: actual level of reputation of the seller, during the protection period (appears only when the seller is protected).
- protection_end_date: end date of protection (only when the seller is protected).
- transactions: number of sales made by user in certain period.
- canceled: number of transactions cancelled.
- completed: number of transactions completed.
- period: period considered.
- ratings: ratio of sales rated as negative, neutral or positive.
- total: total transactions.
Quality metrics
- sales: the number of sales with mediations (claims and/or disputes) a seller has.
- period: the period for ratio calculation will depend on the number of sales fulfilled in the past 60 days.
- completed: number of sales completed. Whether an order has claims or not matters. So if an order has more than one claim / dispute, to avoid counting it, all the claims / disputes must be excluded from his/her reputation (tag avoid_reputation).
Period to evaluate, depending on country and number of sales:
México (MLM)
Transactions in the past 60 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MLM > or = 40 sales | The past 60 days. |
For MLM < 40 sales | All the sales history is considered (past 365 days). |
Brazil (MLB)
Transactions in the past 60 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MLB > or = 60 sales | The past 60 days. |
For MLB < 60 sales | All the sales history is considered (past 365 days). |
Argentina (MLA)
Transactions in the past 60 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MLA > or = 50 sales | The past 60 days. |
For MLA < 50 sales | All the sales history is considered (past 365 days). |
Colombia (MCO)
Transactions in the past 60 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MCO > or = 60 sales | The past 60 days. |
For MCO < 60 sales | All the sales history is considered (past 365 days). |
Chile (MLC)
Transactions in the past 60 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MLC > or = 40 sales | The past 60 days. |
For MLC < 40 sales | All the sales history is considered (past 365 days). |
Uruguay (MLU)
Transactions in the past 120 days | Period for reputation evaluation |
For MLU > or = a 25 sales | The past 120 days are considered. |
For MLU < to 25 sales | The complete sales history are considered (past 365 days). |
For the rest of the countries, the old reputation system is used. For more information, visit the following help links:
-Perú: Help link
-Uruguay: Help link
-Venezuela: Help link
-Ecuador: Help link
For the rest of the countries, go to Help > Selling > Qualifications, reputation and opinions > What is and how does the seller reputation work.
Certain measurements are automatically ignored when specific rules are met. For exceptional cases, a process for order exception via contact with CX will be provided.
For calculation, sales with claims made by buyer regardless of payment or shipping method will be considered. That is, sales from disqualified users, fraudulent user sales, sales with payment rejected and invalid sales were not considered.
claims_rate = sales with claims / total sales
To start impacting on reputation, at least, 3 sales with claims are needed.
Once the period to calculate number of sales made by seller is known, thermometer color will be determined by seller percentage.
Thermometer example in the same way as it will be viewed by seller in account:
Delayed Handling Time
Handling Time is the difference between the ready to ship time (ready_to_ship) and when it was actually collected by mail (shipped). Except for Cross Docking types of shipping, where Handling Time is the difference between the time a package is in the HUB (in_hub) and when it was actually collected by mail (shipped), delayed handling time is the sales percentage with late shipping.
- Sellers using Mercado Envíos with 10 or more sales shipped will be considered. This metric will not affect the rest, and we assume that 0% sales was delivered out of time.
- The time we take to measure this is the last 60 days in case the seller has more than 50 sales in MLA, 60 sales in MLB, 40 sales in MLC, 60 sales in MCO and 40 sales in MLM made in that period and they will be the last 365 if they do not reach this amount of sales in their countries.
delayed handling time rate = late shipping sales / sales shipped with me2
Period considered: 60 or 365 days, depending on number of transactions in the past 60 days. To MLU we consider 120 or 365 days. When several orders for the same shipment are in the cart, late shipping will affect the seller as many times as orders in the package.
This metric shows the number of seller cancellations without any claim.
This is a known resource for Mercado Lideres that will now apply to all sellers.
Formula used for calculation:
Cancellations rate = seller cancellations / total sales.
Applicable to all sites where the new reputation system is effective: MLA, MLB, MLM, MCO, MLC.
Límites para cada variable
Modificamos los límites para cada variable en todos los colores, niveles y sites. Los nuevos límites son los siguientes:
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 1% | 2% | 4,5% | 8% | > 8% |
Cancellations | 0,5% | 1,5% | 3,5% | 4% | > 4% |
delayed handling time | 6% | 10% | 18% | 22% | > 22% |
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 1% | 1,5% | 3% | 6% | > 6% |
Cancellations | 0,5% | 1% | 2,5% | 3% | > 3% |
delayed handling time | 8% | 10% | 15% | 22% | > 22% |
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 1% | 1,5% | 3% | 6% | > 6% |
Cancellations | 0,5% | 1% | 2,5% | 3% | > 3% |
delayed handling time | 8% | 10% | 15% | 22% | > 22% |
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 2,5% | 3,5% | 5,5% | 7% | > 7% |
Cancellations | 1,5% | 2,5% | 7% | 9% | > 9% |
delayed handling time | 10% | 12% | 18% | 26% | > 26% |
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 2,5% | 3,5% | 5,5% | 7% | > 7% |
Cancellations | 1,5% | 2,5% | 7% | 9% | > 9% |
delayed handling time | 10% | 12% | 18% | 26% | > 26% |
Variables | Líderes | Green | Yellow | Orange | Red |
Claim | 2,5% | 3,5% | 5,5% | 7% | > 7% |
Cancellations | 1,5% | 2,5% | 7% | 9% | > 9% |
delayed handling time | 10% | 12% | 18% | 26% | > 26% |