Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Última actualización 22/03/2023
Resource | Description | Example |
/shipments/$SHIPMENT_ID | Retrieves all delivery data. | GET
Go back.
Retrieves all delivery data.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "id": 123456789, "external_reference": null, "status": "ready_to_ship", "substatus": "printed", "date_created": "2019-09-02T15:12:31.000-04:00", "last_updated": "2019-09-02T15:16:52.000-04:00", "declared_value": 120, "dimensions": { "height": 9, "width": 25, "length": 32, "weight": 310 }, "logistic": { "direction": "forward", "mode": "me2", "type": "drop_off" }, "source": { "site_id": "MLB", "market_place": "MELI", "application_id": null }, "tracking_number": "1011234567890", "origin": { "type": "selling_address", "sender_id": 4321345667, "shipping_address": { "address_id": 1035444445, "address_line": "XXXXXXX", "street_name": "XXXXXXX", "street_number": "XXXXXXX", "comment": "XXXXXXX", "zip_code": "02554123", "city": { "id": "BR-SP-44", "name": "São Paulo" }, "state": { "id": "BR-SP", "name": "São Paulo" }, "country": { "id": "BR", "name": "Brasil" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": "Vila Diva (Zona Norte)" }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "agency": { "carrier_id": null, "agency_id": null, "description": null, "phone": null, "open_hours": null }, "types": [ "billing", "default_selling_address", "shipping" ], "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP" } }, "destination": { "type": "buying_address", "receiver_id": 4322312345, "receiver_name": "Teste Joaozinho", "receiver_phone": "48 12345678", "comments": null, "shipping_address": { "address_id": 123456789, "address_line": "Avenida Brigadeiro Faria 123456", "street_name": "Avenida Brigadeiro Faria", "street_number": "123456", "comment": null, "zip_code": "0713123456", "city": { "id": "BR-SP-41", "name": "Guarulhos" }, "state": { "id": "BR-SP", "name": "São Paulo" }, "country": { "id": "BR", "name": "Brasil" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": "Cocaia" }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "agency": { "carrier_id": null, "agency_id": null, "description": null, "phone": null, "open_hours": null }, "types": [ "default_buying_address" ], "latitude": -23.442744, "longitude": -46.522703, "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP", "delivery_preference": "residential" } }, "lead_time": { "option_id": 1964123456, "shipping_method": { "id": 182, "name": "Expresso", "type": "express", "deliver_to": "address" }, "currency_id": "BRL", "cost": 0, "list_cost": 15.45, "cost_type": "free", "service_id": 22, "delivery_type": "estimated", "estimated_schedule_limit": { "date": null }, "estimated_delivery_time": { "type": "known_frame", "date": "2019-09-04T00:00:00.000-03:00", "unit": "hour", "offset": { "date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00.000-03:00", "shipping": 24 }, "time_frame": { "from": null, "to": null }, "pay_before": null, "shipping": 24, "handling": 24, "schedule": null }, "estimated_delivery_limit": { "date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 240 }, "estimated_delivery_final": { "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 1920 }, "estimated_delivery_extended": { "date": "2019-09-12T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 120 }, "estimated_handling_limit": { "date": "2019-09-03T00:00:00.000-03:00" }, "delay": [ "handling_delayed" ] }, "tags": [ "test_shipment" ] }Learn more. |
/items/$ITEM_ID/shipping_options | Retrieves all methods available to send the product. Valid for custom shipments only. | GET
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Get visits by user and timecurl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "destination": null, "options": [{ "id": "MLA609927611-0", "name": "OCA", "currency_id": "ARS", "list_cost": 40, "cost": 40, "tracks_shipments_status": "no", "display": "always", "speed": null }] }Learn more. |
/sites/$SITE_ID/shipping_methods | Retrieves shipping modes available in a country. | GET
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Retrieves shipping modes available in a country.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response[{ "id": 800, "name": "Moto Express a domicilio", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me2"] }, { "id": 502845, "name": "Retiro en sucursal OCA Prioritario", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": null }, { "id": 501045, "name": "Retiro en sucursal OCA", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me2"] }, { "id": 501145, "name": "Estándar", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me1"] }, { "id": 501146, "name": "Prioritario", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me1"] }, { "id": 73330, "name": "Prioritario a domicilio", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me2"] }, { "id": 73328, "name": "Normal a domicilio", "status": "active", "site_id": "MLA", "free_options": ["country"], "shipping_modes": ["me2"] }]Learn more. |
/users/$CUST_ID/shipping_preferences | Retrieves all shipping modes and services available to user. | GET
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Retrieves all shipping modes and services available to user.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "local_pick_up": false, "modes": ["custom", "not_specified", "me2"], "services": [61, 62, 151], "free_configurations": [{ "condition": { "type": "all", "value": null }, "rule": { "free_mode": "country", "value": null, "default": true, "free_shipping_flag": true } }], "trusted_user": false, "mandatory_mode_for_user": [], "custom_calculator": false, "picking_type": null, "thermal_printer": null, "option": "trial", "site_id": "MLA" }Ler mais. |
/orders/$ORDER_ID/shipments | Retrieves the delivery information into order. | GET
Go back
Retrieves the delivery information into order.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "id": 123456789, "mode": "me2", "created_by": "receiver", "order_id": 123456789, "order_cost": 120, "base_cost": 0, "site_id": "MLB", "status": "ready_to_ship", "substatus": "printed", "status_history": { "date_cancelled": null, "date_delivered": null, "date_first_visit": null, "date_handling": "2019-09-02T15:12:36.000-04:00", "date_not_delivered": null, "date_ready_to_ship": "2019-09-02T15:12:36.000-04:00", "date_shipped": null, "date_returned": null }, "substatus_history": [], "date_created": "2019-09-02T15:12:31.000-04:00", "last_updated": "2019-09-02T15:16:52.000-04:00", "tracking_number": "1010101231564564", "tracking_method": "Sedex", "service_id": 22, "carrier_info": null, "sender_id": 4312345678, "sender_address": { "id": 103123456789, "address_line": "XXXXXXX", "street_name": "XXXXXXX", "street_number": "XXXXXXX", "comment": "XXXXXXX", "zip_code": "02551234", "city": { "id": "BR-SP-44", "name": "São Paulo" }, "state": { "id": "BR-SP", "name": "São Paulo" }, "country": { "id": "BR", "name": "Brasil" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": "Vila Diva (Zona Norte)" }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "agency": null, "types": [ "billing", "default_selling_address", "shipping" ], "latitude": 0, "longitude": 0, "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP" }, "receiver_id": 43223123456, "receiver_address": { "id": 1035123456, "address_line": "Avenida Brigadeiro Faria 123456", "street_name": "Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima", "street_number": "123456", "comment": null, "zip_code": "07131234", "city": { "id": "BR-SP-41", "name": "Guarulhos" }, "state": { "id": "BR-SP", "name": "São Paulo" }, "country": { "id": "BR", "name": "Brasil" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": "Cocaia" }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "agency": null, "types": [ "default_buying_address" ], "latitude": -23.442744, "longitude": -46.522703, "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP", "delivery_preference": "residential", "receiver_name": "Teste Joaozinho", "receiver_phone": "48 12341234" }, "shipping_items": [ { "id": "MLB1223012345", "description": "Bermuda adidas Teste Titulo Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Teste Te", "quantity": 1, "dimensions": "9.0x25.0x32.0,310.0", "dimensions_source": { "id": "mp2v_similarity_MLB1223012345", "origin": "mp2v_similarity" } } ], "shipping_option": { "id": 19647123456, "shipping_method_id": 182, "name": "Expresso", "currency_id": "BRL", "list_cost": 15.45, "cost": 0, "delivery_type": "estimated", "estimated_schedule_limit": { "date": null }, "estimated_delivery_time": { "type": "known_frame", "date": "2019-09-04T00:00:00.000-03:00", "unit": "hour", "offset": { "date": "2019-09-05T00:00:00.000-03:00", "shipping": 24 }, "time_frame": { "from": null, "to": null }, "pay_before": null, "shipping": 24, "handling": 24, "schedule": null }, "estimated_delivery_limit": { "date": "2019-09-19T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 240 }, "estimated_delivery_final": { "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 1920 }, "estimated_delivery_extended": { "date": "2019-09-12T00:00:00.000-03:00", "offset": 120 }, "estimated_handling_limit": { "date": "2019-09-03T00:00:00.000-03:00" } }, "comments": null, "date_first_printed": "2019-09-02T15:16:51.000-04:00", "market_place": "MELI", "return_details": null, "tags": [ "test_shipment" ], "delay": [ "handling_delayed" ], "type": "forward", "logistic_type": "drop_off", "application_id": null, "return_tracking_number": null, "cost_components": { "special_discount": 0, "loyal_discount": 0, "compensation": 0, "gap_discount": 0, "ratio": 23.35 } }Learn more. |
/shipment_labels | Allows print the ticket for send the order. | GET
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Allows print the ticket for send the order.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' ",21528639166&savePdf=Y" ResponseReturns the options for downloading tickets. Learn more. |
/shipment_labels?shipment_ids=$SHIPMENT_ID&response_type=zpl2 | Allows print the ticket for send the order in Zebra Format. | GET
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Allows print the ticket for send the order in Zebra Format.curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' "" ResponseReturns the options for downloading tickets. Learn more. |
/shipment_labels?shipment_ids=$SHIPMENT_ID&savePdf=Y | Allows print the ticket for send the order in PDF Format | GET
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Allows print the ticket for send the order in PDF Formatcurl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' "" ResponseReturns the options for downloading tickets. Learn more. |