Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Billing data
Query billing data
To get the information about a buyer's billing data contained in an order, make the following call. Request:
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-H 'x-version:2' \$ORDER_ID/billing_info
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-H 'x-version:2' \
Response these are examples of persons Individual/Legal Entity MLA - Individual
"cust_id": "123123123"
"name":"Juan Soares",
"type":"DNI" / "CUIL",
"taxes": {
"taxpayer_type": {
"id": "01",
"description": "Consumidor Final"
"city_name":"Buenos Aires",
"code": "01",
"name": "Buenos Aires"
"attributes": {
"vat_discriminated_billing": "true",
"doc_type_number": "123123123",
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "CO"
"cust_id": 0,
MLA - Legal Entity
"cust_id": "123123123",
"name":"Apple Argentina"
"taxes": {
"taxpayer_type": {
"description": "IVA Responsable Inscripto"
"city_name":"Buenos Aires",
"code": "01",
"name": "Buenos Aires"
"attributes": {
"vat_discriminated_billing": "true",
"doc_type_number": "123123123",
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "BU"
"cust_id": 0,
MLB - Individual
"site_id": "MLB",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "María Lupita",
"last_name": "Gomez Blanco",
"identification": {
"type": "CPF",
"number": "32659430"
"address": {
"street_name": "Nicolau de Marcos",
"street_number": "05",
"city_name": "Bom Jardim",
"comment": "7b",
"neighborhood": "Jardim Ornelas",
"state": {
"name": "Rio de Janeiro"
"zip_code": "28660000",
"country_id": "BR"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "CO"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MLB - Legal Entity
"site_id": "MLB",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Apple Brasil",
"identification": {
"type": "CNPJ",
"number": "326594309119203"
"taxes": {
"state_registration": "30703088534",
"taxpayer_type": {
"description": "Contribuinte"
"address": {
"street_name": "Nicolau de Marcos",
"street_number": "05",
"city_name": "Bom Jardim",
"comment": "7b",
"neighborhood": "Jardim Ornelas",
"state": {
"name": "Rio de Janeiro"
"zip_code": "28660000",
"country_id": "BR"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "BU"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MLM - Individual
"site_id": "MLM",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Juan Soraes",
"last_name": "Sanchez"
"identification": {
"type": "RFC",
"number": "CUPU800825569"
"taxes": {
"contributor": "PERSONA FÍSICA",
"taxpayer_type": {
"id": "606",
"description": "Arrendamiento"
"cfdi": {
"id": "G03",
"description": "Gastos en general"
"address": {
"street_name": "Calle 134A #18A",
"street_number": "05",
"city_name": "Alvaro Obregón",
"state": {
"code": "DIF",
"name": "Distrito Federal"
"zip_code": "01040",
"country_id": "MX"
"attributes": {
"vat_discriminated_billing": "true",
"birth_date": "2000/02/03",
"is_normalized": true,
"customer_type": "CO"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454 }}
MLM - Legal Entity
"site_id": "MLM",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "SALVADO HNOS S A",
"identification": {
"type": "RFC",
"number": "CUPU800825569"
"taxes": {
"contributor": "PERSONA MORAL",
"taxpayer_type": {
"id": "606",
"description": "Arrendamiento"
"cfdi": {
"id": "G03",
"description": "Gastos en general"
"address": {
"street_name": "Calle 134A #18A",
"street_number": "05",
"city_name": "Alvaro Obregón",
"state": {
"code": "DIF",
"name": "Distrito Federal"
"zip_code": "01040",
"country_id": "MX"
"attributes": {
"vat_discriminated_billing": "true",
"birth_date": "2000/02/03",
"is_normalized": true,
"customer_type": "BU"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MLC - Individual
"site_id": "MLC",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Tamara nicolt",
"last_name": "larenas reyes",
"identification": {
"type": "RUT",
"number": "159321126"
"address": {
"street_name": "Pasaje Beethoven",
"street_number": "56",
"city_name": "Maipú",
"comment": "73",
"neighborhood": "Maipú",
"state": {
"name": "RM (Metropolitana)"
"country_id": "CL"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "CO"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MLC - Legal Entity
"site_id": "MLC",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Apple",
"identification": {
"type": "RUT",
"number": "159321126"
"taxes": {
"economic_activity": "Vta.y arrdo artcls Electrónico",
"address": {
"street_name": "Pasaje Beethoven",
"street_number": "56",
"city_name": "Maipú",
"comment": "73",
"neighborhood": "Maipú",
"state": {
"name": "RM (Metropolitana)"
"country_id": "CL"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true,
"cust_type": "BU"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MCO - Individual
"site_id": "MCO",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Adrian",
"last_name": "Garces",
"identification": {
"type": "CC",
"number": "73160000"
"address": {
"street_name": "Pasaje Beethoven",
"street_number": "#10-11",
"city_name": "La Candelaria",
"comment": "73",
"neighborhood": "Candelaria",
"state": {
"name": "RM (Metropolitana)",
"code": "CO-DC"
"country_id": "CO"
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MCO - Legal Entity
"site_id": "MCO",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Apple",
"identification": {
"type": "CC",
"number": "73160000"
"address": {
"street_name": "Pasaje Beethoven",
"street_number": "#10-11",
"city_name": "La Candelaria",
"comment": "73",
"neighborhood": "Candelaria",
"state": {
"name": "RM (Metropolitana)",
"code": "CO-DC"
"country_id": "CO"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MEC - Individual
"site_id": "MEC",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Adrian",
"last_name": "Garces",
"identification": {
"type": "RUC" / "CI",
"number": "1711168979001"
"address": {
"country_id": "EC"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
MEC - Legal Entity
"site_id": "MEC",
"buyer": {
"cust_id": 234343545,
"billing_info": {
"name": "Apple",
"identification": {
"type": "RUC",
"number": "1711168979001"
"address": {
"country_id": "EC"
"attributes": {
"is_normalized": true
"seller": {
"cust_id": 34345454,
Types and values
- cust_id: buyer ID
- name: buyer's name
- last_name: buyer's last name
- identification:
- type: type of document
- number: document number
- Inscriptions:
- state_registration
- economic_activity
- contributor: taxpayer type
- taxpayer_type
- id: tax status ID
- description: the buyer's tax status
- street_name
- street_number
- city_name
- neighbhood
- zip_code
- comment: additional comment about the buyer's address
- country_id
- state:
- code: state code
- name
- birth_date: buyer's birthday
- doc_type_number: número del documento
- cust_type: type of person (Legal Entity or Individual)
- cust_id: Id del vendedor
The values CO or BU in the cust_type field mean:
- CO : Customer
- BU : Business
Consult billing data for MLU, MPE, and MLV
To query billing data in MLU, MPE, and MLV, you should continue using the first version of the resource without adding any headers. Request:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ORDER_ID/billing_info
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Response: Individual
Order Id: 1691789796
User id: 316440831
"billing_info": {
"additional_info": [
"type": "STREET_NAME",
"value": "Arias"
"type": "ZIP_CODE",
"value": "1430"
"type": "STREET_NUMBER",
"value": "3571"
"type": "CITY_NAME",
"value": "Saavedra"
"type": "LAST_NAME",
"value": "Gomez Blanco"
"type": "SITE_ID",
"value": "MLA"
"type": "COMMENT",
"value": "7b"
"type": "DOC_NUMBER",
"value": "32659430"
"type": "DOC_TYPE",
"value": "DNI"
"type": "STATE_NAME",
"value": "Capital Federal"
"type": "FIRST_NAME",
"value": "María Lupita"
"value": "Divino"
"doc_number": "32659430",
"doc_type": "DNI"
Legal Entity
Order Id: 1691801481
User id: 316440831
"billing_info": {
"additional_info": [
"type": "DOC_NUMBER",
"value": "30703088534"
"type": "ZIP_CODE",
"value": "1430"
"value": "30703088534"
"value": "IVA Responsable Inscripto"
"type": "BUSINESS_NAME",
"value": "Mercado Libre S.R.L"
"type": "CITY_NAME",
"value": "Saavedra"
"type": "STREET_NAME",
"value": "Arias"
"type": "STREET_NUMBER",
"value": "SN"
"type": "COMMENT",
"value": "7b"
"type": "DOC_TYPE",
"value": "CUIT"
"type": "STATE_NAME",
"value": "Capital Federal"
"type": "SITE_ID",
"value": "MLA"
"value": "Divino"
"doc_number": "30703088534",
"doc_type": "CUIT"
Types and values for additional_info
These are the possibles types and values (type / value) for additional_info.
Individual Entity
- first_name: buyer's name
- last_name: buyer's last name
- doc_type: document type
- doc_number: document number
- zip_code: buyer zip code
- street_name: buyer's address
- street_number: buyer address number
Can be "SN" for street cases without number
- comment: extra comment about buyer's address
- state_name: buyer's status
- city_name: buyer's city
Legal Entity
Possible values: between "monotax" (non-VAT taxpayer) and "VAT"
Possible values: any string, "SN" for street without number
Venezuela (MLV): CI, RIF, Passport.
Uruguay (MLU): CI, RUT.
Perú (MPE): DNI, CE.