Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
List vehicles
In the Mercado Libre API, classified listings are the only ones where contact information is public. So, when users are browsing and have an interest in a list, they can get in touch immediately. Basically there are no transactions or exchanges made on our site for this type of items (with the exception of a reservation), but you will be exposing your profile to each user who is browsing the "Classifieds" section of our platform.
Listing results
Each item you list will appear in the listing results of a given search. For example, when a user search for the query “Peluquería” or “Camioneta”, as a result he will get a list of all items related, that can include yours. When someone clicks on an item, the item details page is displayed showing all the information about the item that was provided at the time of listing, keep reading to know more about it.
Vehicle fields
Let's see an item in detail. This is easy, because you only need to know the item_id associated with the product and, as it is public, you can get it on the item details page at the top of the page, as in the example image. You must add the site_id before the number and voila. Now you can request the Articles resource to get all the related information:
Call:curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{Item_id}
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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"variations": [
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"catalog_product_id": null,
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"deal_ids": [
"automatic_relist": false,
"date_created": "2018-06-07T19:03:12.000Z",
"last_updated": "2018-07-11T23:01:48.000Z",
"health": null
Defining attributes
When you create an item, some of the fields are mandatory, while others can be omitted or we will add them automatically. They will define how the item is displayed, how buyers can buy it and the position in the search results, among other variables.
A good title must be concise, but it must contain the brand, version and number of doors of the vehicle. The words of the title are very important, since these are the ones that coincide with the words searched by the users; Therefore, the greater the coincidence of these words, the greater the return. We advise developers who already self-complete the title for their client, in order to suggest a better title for the publication that will be included. Example: Chevrolet Astra Hatch Advantage 2.0 4P
The following license plate format recommendations (LICENSE_PLATE) apply to Brazil:
- The license plate must correspond to the vehicle you are publishing (brand, model, year and version).
- The license plate must not be repeated in another advertisement.
- The expected length is 7 characters (without hyphen) or 8 (with hyphen).
- The formats can be (A: Letters - n: Numbers).
For example:
- AAAnnnn: Old format, length 7, letters and numbers without hyphenation.
- AAA-nnnn: Old format, length 8, letters and numbers separated by a hyphen.
- AAAnAnn: Mercosur format.
Detailed information will improve your chances of selling a vehicle and save you time by not having to answer questions. If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, see our item description guide.
Good images can make an item more attractive and offer buyers a more accurate idea of its appearance. Basically, you should add a set of up to six URL images in the JSON.
We highly recommend not to use slow servers to host your pictures since this can lead to disadvantages when listing. You can also add or change pictures to your item later on, please read more about this topic to know which kind of pictures are allowed and how to work with them on our Working with pictures guide.
Before publishing items, sellers must define a category on the Mercado Libre site and it accepts a preset ID. Therefore, we recommend that you use the category predictor to obtain the appropriate category. Remember that brand and model are currently mandatory attributes. Below, we illustrate the change in the flow of publication of vehicle items:

For the Motorcycles and Nautical categories, which previously had one level more than the others to specify the type of vehicle, they also have 2 levels and a new attribute to specify the type: moto_type and vehicle_type.
Price is mandatory. When you define a new item, it should have a price. If you have already defined a price, but you are not satisfied with it, you can modify it later.
In addition to the price, you must define a currency. This attribute is also mandatory. The currency must be defined using a predefined ID. See examples of the currency resource.
Listing Type
This is another case of a mandatory attribute that only accepts pre-defined values and is very important for you to understand about it. There are different listing types available for each site. You should make a mixed call through sites and listing_types resources to know which listing_types are supported. Follow our Listing types and item upgrades guide to know which listing type will suite your vehicle best.
When list a classified item, it is mandatory to submit your location. The Mercado Libre location has 4 levels: country, state, city and neighborhood. You must send at least city or neighborhood. Example:
location: {
address_line: "Avenida Jurucê, 436",
zip_code: "04080011",
neighborhood: {
id: "TUxCQklORHduMDB0"
"city": {
"id": "TUxCQ1NQLTkxMjE",
"state": {
"id": "TUxCUFNBT085N2E4",
"country": {
"id": "BR",
Remember to send the id of each sent location, according to the preceding example. For the “address_line” field, always send the street followed by the number (the street number should always be the last information sent in this field. Correct example: Jurucê Avenue, 436 Incorrect example: Jurucê Avenue, 436 Moema. You can learn more about Location codes of Mercado Libre.
Seller contacts
They are the contact details of the seller that owns the ad. These values are optional and, if not informed, Mercado Libre will use the seller's account information. Example:
seller_contact: {
contact: "Nome Contato Teste",
area_code: "11",
phone: "4444-5555",
area_code2: "21",
phone2: "1111-3333",
email: "",
“1” must always be sent. Represents the number of articles in this ad. In Mercado Libre, classified listings do not work with stocks, each ad represents a unique real estate/vehicle/service registry.
It can be "new" or "used", depending on the condition of the ad to be sent.
List a motors item
You’re ready to list your first classified item.
Notice you’ll need an access_token to make it. If you have questions regarding how to get your access token, please go back to the Authentication and authorization tutorial.
We also recommend using test users to publish test articles. If you are not familiar with them,
please refer to the section on generating test users here.
In addition, we highly recommended you validate the JSON you’re sending before making a POST. You can create a JSON for your item basing on the following example, or just send it and you’ll be listing a sample vehicle on the site:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d
"description": "Veículo em ótimo estado",
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"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"id": " HAS_MP3_PLAYER",
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
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"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
"value_name": "Sim"
The previous example only works in MLB (Brazil). In case you are working in any other country, you must substitute the values of category_id, currency_id and maybe listing_type_id. When performing the previous POST, the Mercado Libre API will send you the return JSON with the information of the created item. One of the returned fields is the permalink, which contains the link to the details page of the newly created ad. Answer example:
"id": "MLB1045563828",
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Duplicate items
Each publication should be included only once. Mercado Libre has mechanisms to identify possible duplicate ads. Be careful not to send duplicate publications. In case it is considered that a publication was duplicated, it will be included via API, but will remain with the status “under review”.
Penalized items
Penalized items need the seller's attention in order to have a good exposure or, in serious cases, not to be paused. To identify these items for the Vehicle and Real Estate domains, we provide 2 tags with the following penalty reasons:
- misplaced_personal_data: item penalized for personal data in fields not indicated.
- moderation_penalty : Penalized item. In this case, being a generic tag, it is necessary to query the /infractions resource to know the reason.
To list items in this condition, it is possible to use GET:
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Brand, model and version
Brand and model are required attributes (learn more about categories and attributes) but version is an attribute named “TRIM”. This attribute is also required and must be submitted together with the other attributes in the "attributes" array. This is an open text field and the integrator must send the version as text type. In the example above, TRIM = XRS.
Official Stores for Vehicles and Real Estate
See the following guide on Official Stores for Vehicles and Real Estate.
Publish in category Transactional motorcycles
Transactional Motorcycles category_id are: MLM455863, MLA455863, MCO455863, MLB455863 and MLU455863 respectively according to the site. In case the seller is not authorized, you will receive the error: moderations.seller_id.not_authorized - Seller is not authorized for this brand and category. If the customer is not authorized, he should contact the Mercado Libre sales executive assigned to him.
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