Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Última actualización 16/03/2023
List services
This guide will help you to list your first classified item on MercadoLibre using our APIBasics
Classified listings are the only kind of items that allows users to display their contact information to the public, so when users are browsing classifieds and they have an interest on one of yours, they can get in contact with you right away. So, basically, there aren’t any kind of transactions or exchanges made on our site for this kind of items, but you’ll be exposing your listing to every user that’s browsing classifieds on our platform.Listing results
Each item you list will appear in the listing results of a given search. For example, when a user search for the query “Peluquería”, as a result he will get a list of all items related, that can include yours. When someone clicks on an item, the item details page is displayed showing all the information about the item that was provided at the time of listing, keep reading to know more about it.Item details page
This is the page on the frontend of our Marketplace for each item. When a user chooses an item from the result, this page displays the following item details:- Item_id
- Title
- City
- Pictures
- Price
- Contact information
- Contact form
- Attributes
- Detailed description
- Reviews
Service item fields
Let’s see a regular service listing Json from our API. This is easy since you only need to know the item_id associated to that item, and since it’s public you can get it from the item details page. In Argentina, you will find it at the top of the page. You just need to add the site_id before the number you see and that’s it. Now you can call the Items resource to get all the information you need: Call:curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_IDExample:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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Is very important you send the most attributes you can so user’s get the whole picture right away. You can click on the permalink attribute on an item to see how it looks on our Marketplace.
Defining attributes
There are no mandatory attributes on services except for title.Title
You must send a title for your service. This make it easier for users to find exactly what they’re looking for.Description
A detailed description will improve your chances to get contacts for your service and will save you time from answering unnecessary question. It can be a text-only description or you can add your own personalized HTML. There are some considerations when working with descriptions. If you are interested in increasing your knowledge about this topic, check our Item description guide.Pictures
Good pictures can make your service more appealing. Basically, you should add an array of up to six URL pictures on the Json.{ .... "pictures":[ {"source":"http://yourServer/path/to/your/picture.jpg"}, {"source":"http://yourServer/path/to/your/otherPicture.gif"}, {"source":"http://yourServer/path/to/your/anotherPicture.png"} ] ... }We highly recommend not to use slow servers to host your pictures since this can lead to disadvantages when listing. You can also add or change pictures to your item later on, please read more about this topic to know which kind of pictures are allowed and how to work with them on our Working with pictures guide.
Category & attributes
Sellers must define a category in MercadoLibre site. This attribute is mandatory and only accepts pre-established ids. To get the details see our Categories guide.{ .... "category_id":"MLA12683", ... }
Price is mandatory, if you’re open to negotiate the price for rent or sale with other users you can set it as to be agreed.Currency
If you set a price you need to define it using a pre-established id. You’ll find available currency ids calling the category where you want to list your item. Learn how by following our category guide.Seller Custom Field
The seller custom field is not mandatory but is very useful since there aren’t any pre-established values and you can send anything as a String. Most sellers use this field to associate their own SKUs to their products, to identify the product sold on the order. Example:curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d '{"seller_custom_field": "21000093"}'
Listing types
This is another case of a mandatory attribute that only accepts pre-defined values and is very important for you to understand about it. There are different listing types available for each site. You should make a mixed call through sites and listing_types resources to know which listing_types are supported. Follow our guide to know which listing type will suite your service best.List a service item
You’re ready to list your first classified item. Notice you’ll need an access_token to make it. If you have questions regarding how to get your access token, please go back to the Getting Started tutorial. In addition, we highly recommended you validate the Json you’re sending before making a POST, so you better check out this really easy and quick item validation tutorial. You can create a Json for your item basing on the following example, or just send it and you’ll be listing a sample service on the site:curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d '{ "site_id": "MLA", "title": "Alquiler De Luces Y Sonido Efectos Maquina De Humo Fiestas", "category_id": "MLA43985", "price": 100, "currency_id": "ARS", "available_quantity": 1, "buying_mode": "classified", "listing_type_id": "gold_premium", "pictures": [], "video_id": null, "accepts_mercadopago": false, "non_mercado_pago_payment_methods": [], "shipping": { "profile_id": null, "mode": "not_specified", "local_pick_up": false, "free_shipping": false, "methods": [], "dimensions": null }, "seller_contact": { "contact": "", "other_info": "", "area_code": "", "phone": "(01143333423)", "area_code2": "", "phone2": "", "email": "", "webpage": "" }, "location": { "address_line": "", "zip_code": "", "neighborhood": { "id": "", "name": "" }, "city": { "id": "", "name": "Flores-Villa Crespo" }, "state": { "id": "TUxBUENBUGw3M2E1", "name": "Capital Federal" }, "country": { "id": "AR", "name": "Argentina" }, "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "coverage_areas": [], "attributes": [], "variations": [] }'
Next topic: Sync your listings.