Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Seller campaigns
To offer this discount, it is necessary:
- To have a green reputation.
- The item must have a status equal to active.
- Condition equal to new.
- The item's exposure cannot be free.
Create campaign
To create a seller campaign make the following request:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"promotion_type": "SELLER_CAMPAIGN",
"name": "test campana del seller",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
"fixed_percentage": 15,
"loyalty_percentage": 30,
"start_date": "2023-07-17T00:00:00",
"finish_date": "2023-07-20T00:00:00"
Request fields
promotion_type: type of campaign to create, at the moment only SELLER_CAMPAIGN is allowed.
name: campaign name.
sub_type: in the case of Seller Campaigns, the sub_types allowed are FIXED_PERCENTAGE and FLEXIBLE_PERCENTAGE.
fixed_percentage: only for FIXED_PERCENTAGE (Required).
loyalty_percentage: only for FIXED_PERCENTAGE (Optional, discount with loyalty).
start_date: campaign start date in local format. The beginning of the day will always be taken as the start time.
finish_date: campaign end date in local format. The end of the day will always be taken as the end time.
"id": "C-MLB360923",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
"fixed_percentage": 15,
"loyalty_percentage": 30,
"status": "pending",
"start_date": "2023-07-17T00:00:00",
"finish_date": "2023-07-20T23:59:59",
"name": "test campana del seller"
Update campaign
All fields can be modified, but only the fields that you wish to modify should be submitted. The only mandatory one is promotion_type, which must always be present. If you want to remove the loyalty discount, you must send remove_loyalty to true.
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$PROMOTION_ID?app_version=v2
"promotion_type": "SELLER_CAMPAIGN",
"name": "new name 10",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
"fixed_percentage": 18,
"loyalty_percentage": 33,
"start_date": "2023-07-18T00:00:00",
"finish_date": "2023-07-19T00:00:00",
"remove_loyalty": false
"id": "C-MLB360923",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
"fixed_percentage": 18,
"loyalty_percentage": 33,
"status": "pending",
"start_date": "2023-07-18T00:00:00",
"finish_date": "2023-07-19T23:59:59",
"name": "new name 10"
Delete campaign
To remove a campaign from the seller I make this call:
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$PROMOTION_ID?promotion_type=SELLER_CAMPAIGN&app_version=v2
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Response: Status 200 OK
View campaign details
There are two subtypes of seller campaigns:
FIXED_PERCENTAGE - has a fixed discount percentage.
FLEXIBLE_PERCENTAGE - has no fixed percentage.
To get the details of a seller campaign, make the following query:
Example sub_type FIXED_PERCENTAGE:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"id": "C-MLB300",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
"fixed_percentage": 15,
"loyalty_percentage": 30,
"status": "started",
"start_date": "2023-04-27T15:03:00Z",
"finish_date": "2023-05-05T03:00:00Z",
"name": "camp del seller 1"
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"id": "C-MLB302",
"status": "started",
"start_date": "2023-04-27T15:04:00Z",
"finish_date": "2023-05-05T03:00:00Z",
"name": "camp del seller tahi 2"
Response fields
- id: campaign identifier.
- type: campaign type (SELLER_CAMPAIGN).
- sub_type: currently we have two, which are: FIXED_PERCENTAGE and FLEXIBLE_PERCENTAGE.
- fixed_percentage discount percentage for all buyers.
- loyalty_percentage discount percentage for the best buyers (levels 3 to 6 of the Mercado Puntos).
- status: campaign status.
- start_date: date when the campaign starts.
- finish_date: date when the campaign ends.
- name: name of the campaign.
These are the different states that a seller's campaign can go through.
Status | Description |
pending | Promotion approved, but not yet started. |
started | Active promotion. |
finished | Finished promotion. |
View items in a campaign
To see the items that are part of a seller campaign, make the following query:
Example sub_type FIXED_PERCENTAGE:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' ''
"results": [
"id": "MLB3538191898",
"status": "candidate",
"price": 0,
"original_price": 5000,
"fixed_percentage": 15,
"loyalty_percentage": 30,
"start_date": "2023-04-27T12:03:00",
"end_date": "2023-05-05T00:00:00",
"sub_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE"
"paging": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 1
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' ''
"results": [
"id": "MLB3538191898",
"status": "candidate",
"price": 0,
"original_price": 5000,
"start_date": "2023-04-27T12:04:00",
"end_date": "2023-05-05T00:00:00",
"paging": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 50,
"total": 1
In the following table you will find the possible status that items in a seller campaign can have:
Status | Description |
candidate | Candidate item to participate in the promotion. |
pending | Approved item and scheduled promotion. |
started | Active item in the campaign. |
finished | Deleted item from the campaign. |
Indicates items fo a campaign
Once you have items invited to participate in a seller campaign, you can indicate which products you want to include in the campaign.
Example sub_type FIXED_PERCENTAGE:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{
"price": 4250,
"original_price": 5000
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{
"deal_price": 3500,
"top_deal_price": 3000
"price": 3500,
"original_price": 5000
- promotion_id: promotion ID.
- promotion_type: promotion type (SELLER_CAMPAIGN).
- deal_price price of the item in the promotion.
- top_deal_price price of the item for the best buyers, with level 3 to 6 of the Mercado Puntos (it is optional to inform this price).
Modify items
In this type of campaign, you can only modify the items that belong to the campaign with sub_type FLEXIBLE_PERCENTAGE.
To modify the items perform the following operation.
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' \
-d '{
"deal_price": 3300,
"top_deal_price": 3000
"price": 3300,
"original_price": 5000
- If you have loyalty discount loaded, you can't remove that discount anymore.
Error message: "Top_deal_price can't be removed when the seller campaign has already started". - If it was created without the loyalty discount, it cannot be added later.
Error message: "Top_deal_price can't be set when the seller campaign has already started" . - Prices can only improve.
Error message: "New deal_price must be lower than current deal_price" / "New top_deal_price must be lower than current top_deal_price".
- The deal_price and top_deal_price can be modified for a higher or lower discount.
- You can add or remove the loyalty discount.
Example. Modification of top_deal_price:
"top_deal_price": 1000.33,
"promotion_id": "C-MLA123",
"promotion_type": "SELLER_CAMPAIGN"
Example. Modification of deal_price and removal of top_deal_price:
"deal_price": 700,
"promotion_id": "C-MLA123",
"promotion_type": "SELLER_CAMPAIGN",
"remove_loyalty": true
"price": 950,
"original_price": 1000
curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' '$ITEM_ID?promotion_type=$PROMOTION_TYPE&promotion_id=$PROMOTION&app_version=v2'
curl -X DELETE -H '
Response: Status 200 OK
Validation errors: 400 bad request
Error message | Description |
The name already exists | A seller campaign with the same name already exists. |
Invalid sub_type | When the sub_type of a SELLER_CAMPAIGN is neither FLEXIBLE_PERCENTAGE nor FIXED_PERCENTAGE. |
The percentage is greater than allowed. the maximum percentage allowed is 70.000000 | The maximum percentage allowed is 70%. If it is sent, for example, fixed_percentage: 71, it will return this error. |
The percentage is less than allowed. the minimum percentage allowed is 10.000000 | The percentage is below the allowed. |
Fixed_percentage is required | If the promotion is of type FIXED_PERCENTAGE, the fixed_percentage field is required. |
Invalid promotion type | When the promotion_type is invalid. |
Start and finish dates must be in local format | When the dates sent are not in local format (like the example) or are not sent at all. |
Start_date cannot be earlier than today | Start_date cannot be earlier than today. |
Finish_date cannot be earlier than startdate | Finish_date cannot be earlier than start_date. |
Maximum period cannot exceed the allowed | When the distance between the start and finish date is greater than the allowed one. |
The percentage difference between sellerpercentage and loyaltypercentage does not meet the minimum required | The difference between the seller_percentage and loyalty_percentage must be greater than or equal to 5%. |
Maximum period cannot exceed the allowed | When you want to update some date (or both), and the new period between them exceeds the allowed one. |
Percentages of a FLEXIBLE PERCENTAGE promotion must be updated per offer | An attempt is made to modify a percentage or loyalty percentage to a campaign that is of the flexible_percentage type. Percentages can only be set generally in fixed_percentages. For flexible promotions, the prices of particular offers must be edited. |
The start_date field cannot be modified for the current promotion status | You cannot change the start date of a promotion in the started state. |