Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Moderation with pause
Recommended flow

Search moderation with paused items
Perform a search for posts with status: paused and the moderation_penalty tag. To activate it, you must perform a PUT to /items with status: active, since this type of preventive moderation only pauses the publication.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"seller_id": "0123456789",
"paging": {...},
"results": [
"orders": [...],
"available_orders": [...]
When you identify these items, you should consult their moderation. For example:
Moderation for unusual price change
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$USER_ID?related_item_id=$ITEM_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"infractions": [
"id": "1378710000",
"date_created": "2023-09-11T10:37:45.107-0400",
"user_id": "223456789",
"related_item_id": "MLA135232000",
"element_id": "MLA135232000",
"element_type": "ITM",
"site_id": "MLA",
"filter_subgroup": "DESC",
"reason": "La pausamos porque detectamos un cambio inusual en su precio. Verifica el valor antes de reactivarla. Una vez que lo hagas, quedará activa en unos minutos.",
"remedy": "Inactiva para revisar
La pausamos porque detectamos un cambio inusual en su precio. Verificá el valor antes de reactivarla. Una vez que lo hagas, quedará activa en unos minutos."
"paging": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 1,
"total": 1
"sorting_type": "date_created_desc"
In this case we recommend you to give the actionable to the sellerto correct the price and activate the item.
Moderation of items with no sales
Items with no sales and/or no visits can also be paused by Mercado Libre to avoid affecting the seller's reputation. By executing the same request above, we obtain information about this type of moderation. Learn how to manage publications with no sales for a long period of time.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"infractions": [
"id": "1399670000",
"date_created": "2023-09-20T09:32:57.409-0400",
"user_id": "453616000",
"related_item_id": "MLA1363212345",
"element_id": "MLA1363212345",
"element_type": "ITM",
"site_id": "MLA",
"filter_subgroup": "PP",
"reason": "La pausamos porque no tuvo ventas durante un largo periodo de tiempo. Lo hicimos para ayudarte en la gestión y evitarte cancelaciones.",
"remedy": "Inactiva para revisar
Si todavía querés vender tu publicación, revisala para verificar que esté actualizada y reactivala para que vuelva a estar a la venta, o podés eliminarla si ya no vendés."
"paging": {
"offset": 0,
"limit": 20,
"total": 1
"sorting_type": "date_created_desc"
In this case we recommend that you give the seller the option to review the publication to verify that it is updated and reactivate it to make it available for sale again or delete it if it no longer sells.
Uploading images by URL
When creating a new item, if the images are of type source (URL), the item will be paused, sub_status: picture_downloading_pending to indicate to the seller that they are not yet downloaded. When the images are successfully downloaded, the item will have status active automatically.
Remember that each image will be valid as long as its dimension is at least 250px on both sides (width and height) and at least one side of more than 500px
"infractions": [
"id": "1467440394",
"date_created": "2023-10-10T19:01:02.73-0400",
"user_id": "453616456",
"related_item_id": "MLA1373668879",
"element_id": "MLA1373668879",
"element_type": "ITM",
"site_id": "MLA",
"filter_subgroup": "FOTOS",
"reason": "La pausamos temporalmente porque estamos verificando que tu foto se haya cargado correctamente.",
"remedy": "La pausamos temporalmente porque estamos verificando que tu foto se haya cargado correctamente.
If the image cannot be downloaded after a defined period of time, the item will be moderated with status: under_review, sub_status: picture_downloading_pending.
"id": "1467963806",
"date_created": "2023-10-10T20:13:18.009-0400",
"user_id": "453616456",
"related_item_id": "MLA1373668879",
"element_id": "MLA1373668879",
"element_type": "ITM",
"site_id": "MLA",
"filter_subgroup": "FOTOS",
"reason": "La foto no se cargó correctamente. Corregila para reactivar tu publicación.",
"remedy": "La foto no se cargó correctamente. Corrígela para reactivar tu publicación.
In this case we recommend you to give the actionable to the seller to upload his cover image again because it could not be processed (invalid image link).
Next: Image Moderation.