Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
What is an attribute?
An attribute represents a characteristic of your item, such as Microwave Oven Brand and Model. You can add them when listing an item, and you can change them or add new ones later. Take into account that attributes vary by category, and you can find them at the following URL:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{CATEGORY_ID}/attributes
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"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
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"tags": {
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"name": "km"
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Longitud del paquete",
"tags": {
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"id": "km",
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Micrófono Incluido",
"tags": {
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"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"id": "MODEL",
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"tags": {
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"attribute_group_id": "MAIN",
"attribute_group_name": "Atributos Principales"
"name": "Modelo Alfanumérico",
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"value_max_length": 60,
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
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"name": "Modelo Detallado",
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
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"tags": {
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"metadata": {
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"id": "MEMORY_SIZE",
"name": "Tamaño Efectivo de Memoria",
"tags": {
"hidden": true
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"value_max_length": 60,
"allowed_units": [
"id": "gb",
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"name": "gib"
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"name": "kb"
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"default_unit": "gb",
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Tipo",
"tags": {
"hidden": true
"value_type": "string",
"value_max_length": 60,
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Tipo de Acoplamiento",
"tags": {
"hidden": true
"value_type": "string",
"value_max_length": 60,
"suggested_values": [
"id": "114209",
"name": "Supraaural"
"id": "114210",
"name": "Intraural"
"id": "114208",
"name": "Circumaural"
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Unidad de Diafragma",
"tags": {
"hidden": true
"value_type": "number_unit",
"value_max_length": 60,
"allowed_units": [
"id": "mm",
"name": "mm"
"id": "cm",
"name": "cm"
"id": "ft",
"name": "ft"
"id": "in",
"name": "in"
"id": "km",
"name": "km"
"id": "m",
"name": "m"
"id": "pulgadas",
"name": "pulgadas"
"default_unit": "mm",
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"id": "UPC",
"name": "UPC",
"tags": {
"multivalued": true,
"variation_attribute": true
"type": "product_identifier",
"value_type": "string",
"value_max_length": 60,
"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
Types of possible attributes
There are different types of attributes, so the values to be supported will depend on them. Types of attributes can be viewed by entering the attribute API of the relevant category and querying the value_type field. The possible types are:
You can complete this type of attributes with free text, including letters and numbers in distinctively.
Considerations: for this attributes, there is a list of suggested values, but you can also enter new ones which are not included in such list. For new values, you should only send us the name, but for known values, you can send us the id as the name. We encourage you to see the suggested values in the API!
These attributes can be only completed with numeric values.
Considerations: for this type of attributes there is a list of suggested values, but you can also enter new ones that are not included in that list. For new values, you should only send us the name, but for known values, you can send us the id as well as the name. We encourage you to see the suggested values in the API!
Attributes made up of a numeric value and a unit. You can view the units available for such attributes in the attribute API.
It only allows for two values: one corresponding to a positive value and the other corresponding to a negative one.
Considerations: you should send the value id, which you can query in the attribute API.
The values property lists the possible values that this attribute may take, there should always be at least one.
Considerations: if you wish to enter a value that is not in the list, you can do so by sending your custom value in value_name with the value_id that is closest to yours. For example, if you are selling a mobile Air Conditioner but the attribute PRODUCT_TYPE does not have a value that exactly represents your item, you can use the value_id of the value Portable but in the value_name send Mobile.
Special behaviors
The tags property specifies particular attribute behaviors. Find below a list of the possible values that may be included, along with a behavior description.
- allow_variations:It allows the item to vary by attribute. For this reason, you should check that the allow_variations tag is set in “true” in order to upload the variations. To learn more about how to add them, please read the documentation about Variations.
- defines_picture:it shows that the attribute defines the picture. For example, Color for shoes.The use of this tag will show how to display the different components in the flows. Take into account that this behavior only applies to attributes that allow for variations.
- fixed:it shows that there is a fixed value for the category and that all the items listed under this section should have such value. For example, if you are selling a Microwave Oven in the category MLB232411 corresponding to Microwave Ovens -> Other Brands -> 18 Litres, such category includes the VOLUMEN_CAPACITY attribute with values 18 Litres, 20 Litres, etc. but for such category we already know that the appropriate value is 18 Litres. So you do not need to send it when listing because we autocomplete it for you.
- hidden: attributes with this property are not shown by the front, but they can be uploaded via the API.
- inferred:it shows that there is an inferred value for the attribute. That value cannot be modified. For example, in the category of iPhone under cell phones, the attribute LINE is fixed with the value iPhone, and it is inferred that the brand is Apple.
- multivalued:attributes can be completed with more than one value, separated by commas.
- others: this tag is for internal use.
- product_pk: this tag helps identify the attributes that are part of the pk of a product. From it, we can uniquely identify a product from the catalogue.
- read_only: this tag is for internal use. Attributes with this tag cannot be uploaded or changed by the sellers.
- required: to list the item, the attribute should be completed.
- restricted_values: this tag is for internal use.
- variation_attribute: if the item allows for variations, this attribute can be listed with a different value for each variation. For example, in any electronics listing with variations by color, product identifier codes can be uploaded for each variation. A value for this attribute can also be uploaded if the item does not have any variation.
- new_required: the completeness of the attribute is required, for the publication of the item, whenever the condition of the item is new.
- catalog_listing_required: required to send a traditional publication to the catalog. If this value is equal to TRUE, it will be necessary to add the attribute when optin/sending to the catalog.
Mandatory attributes
Querying the resource /categories/{category_id}/technical_specs/input you can find out which are the mandatory attributes by category and complete them in advance to avoid the publications to be affected in their ranking in search results. You can identify the
mandatory attributes mandatory with the tag “required”.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{Category_id}/technical_specs/input
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"value_type": "string",
"value_max_length": 255,
"tags": [
"values": [
"id": "20262",
"name": "AOC"
"id": "27499",
"name": "Admiral"
"id": "3",
"name": "Philips"
"id": "9838",
"name": "Pioneer"
"id": "21980",
"name": "RCA"
"id": "206",
"name": "Samsung"
"hierarchy": "PARENT_PK",
"relevance": 1
"unified_units": [
"component": "TEXT_INPUT",
"label": "GTIN-14",
"ui_config": {
"allow_custom_value": false,
"allow_filtering": false
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"id": "GTIN14",
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"tags": [
"hierarchy": "PRODUCT_IDENTIFIER",
"relevance": 2
"unified_units": [
With the resource /categories/{category_id}/technical_specs/output you can show your products as they are displayed in Mercado Libre, this way, your listings will be organized with the same data sheet.
Required attributes by condition
Consulting the /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes/conditional resource you can validate if the attributes that have the "conditional_required" tag are required for your publication. To do this you must send all the information of the item you want to publish.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CATEGORY_ID/attributes/conditional
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"title": "Item de test Cerveza Patagonia - No Ofertar",
"category_id": "MLA403656",
"price": 900,
"currency_id": "ARS",
"available_quantity": 10,
"buying_mode": "buy_it_now",
"condition": "new",
"listing_type_id": "gold_special",
"description": {
"plain_text": "Descripción con Texto Plano \n"
"video_id": "YOUTUBE_ID_HERE",
"sale_terms": [
"value_name": "Garantía del vendedor"
"value_name": "90 días"
"pictures": [
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Response with required attributes:
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Response without required attributes:
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How to identify penalized items
With the resource items/search? You can list, in the field “results”, all the penalized items that have the incomplete_technical_specs tag. This way, you will identify the publications that are losing rank in the search results to improve their quality. To find out in detail the reasons why your publications are losing rank, you should check the quality resources.
Specify not applicable attributes
If any specification does not apply to the product you are posting, it is important to mark it as N/A (Not Applicable). To that end, you should send:
- Value_id = “-1”
- Value_name = Null
In the items API, in order to display the attributes N/A the parameter include_internal_attributes=true must be added, since if the request is made without it, the attributes N/A will not be displayed.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{item_id?attributes=attributes&include_internal_attributes=true
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Create ítem with atribute N/A
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Change an active post and indicate an attribute is not applicable (N/A)
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- Attributes with allow_variations tag cannot be N/A.
- If a value_id -1 attribute is sent, but the value_name has a value other than null, it will be disregarded as if it has never been sent. This is because, from the item API, it is verified whether the N/A specification has been sent, and both fields are read to consider an N/A attribute.
- So far, if you send N/A, it can only be replaced for a value (When making a PUT, the attribute cannot be null).
Exclusions and implications of behaviors
Matrix of exclusions | ||||||
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Item information will be more comprehensive and relevant, with attributes displayed in a VIP data sheet to avoid questions and friction.
Create an item with attributes
Imagine that you want to sell a Microwave Oven about which you know brand, model, and capacity. First, you should select the category in which you want to list it and, then, you should query the attributes for such category:
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"attribute_group_id": "DFLT",
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"name": "Potencia de Grill",
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"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
"name": "Traba de Seguridad para Niños",
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"name": "110V / 220V"
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"attribute_group_name": "Otros"
In this example, you can see that the BRAND attribute has a fixed tag for category. This makes sense because, after navigating the tree to find the category under which to list the microwave oven, you have implicitly chosen its brand. Then, you just need to analyze the available attributes, their types and suggested values to make the listing JSON, including the attributes section. Find below how to do it:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"title":"Item de testeo, por favor no contactar --kc:off",
"value_name":"28 L"
}' ''
- Attributes can be added to items at any time during their life cycle.
- If the attribute has a suggested_values list, you can send either one of those values or a new one. To send new values you must only send the value_name but for the existing values, sending the value_id is enough.
- For list-type attributes, you should only send values included in such list. Sending only the value_id is enough. If you wish to enter a value that is not on the list, you can do so by sending your custom value in value_name with the value_id that is closest to yours.
- All the main attributes are identified as MAIN in the field attribute_group_id while, the secondary attributes will be differentiated under other values such as: DELT.
- Take into account that in categories that include primary and secondary colors, as an exception, it will not be necessary that all the variations duplicate both attributes.
Most used values (tops values)
With this resource you will be able to know what are the most used values for a specific attribute of a domain. You can also further search by indicating other attribute values so that only the values that apply to them are listed.
Sellers will be able to use the values obtained to choose the correct one among them and improve the quality of the publications.
Mandatory parameters
domain_id: ID of the domain to which we want to refer.
attribute_id: ID of the attribute of which we need to know the most used values.
Optional parameters
limit: limit of results that is requested has a maximum of 1000.
metric_type: metric by which the results will be ordered, in principle only NOLs (new publications in the last 90 days) are supported. The only parameter at the moment is NOL_90. Soon, we will add new criteria. Example: metric_type=NOL_90.
To identify the recommended and known attributes, you must perform a POST.
Simple request with an attribute:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DOMAIN_ID/attributes/$ATTRIBUTE_ID/top_values
Example with an attribute:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Short response of Brands to MLA-CELLPHONES domain:
"id": "9344",
"name": "Apple",
"metric": 12189
"id": "206",
"name": "Samsung",
"metric": 10389
"id": "59387",
"name": "Xiaomi",
"metric": 5183
"id": "2503",
"name": "Motorola",
"metric": 4272
"id": "8784",
"name": "Huawei",
"metric": 1203
"id": "215",
"name": "LG",
"metric": 1022
Request with more than one attribute:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DOAMAIN_ID/attributes/$ATTRIBUTE_ID/top_value
"known_attributes": [
"id": "",
"value_id": "attributes.value_id"
Example with more than one attribute:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"known_attributes": [
"id": "BRAND",
"value_id": "206"
Short response of Brands to Samsung brand in the MLA-CELLPHONES domain:
"id": "7693",
"name": "A50",
"metric": 517
"id": "35040",
"name": "A30",
"metric": 437
"id": "8480",
"name": "A10",
"metric": 345
"id": "397729",
"name": "J2 Prime",
"metric": 301
Change and/or add attributes
Once the listing is created, you can add new attributes or change the existing ones. Let's assume that you want to change the Microwave Oven Model and add the Number of Programs. First, we suggest you should make a GET to know the attributes already filled out (for example, Model).
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{item_id}
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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You will need to load this attribute when you make a PUT not to lose information.
Ready to make an update? Make a PUT including new attributes, such as Number of Programs, and those you already had (such as Model).
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d "{
"attributes": [{
"id": "BRAND"
"id": "MODEL",
"value_name": "B466GT"
}, {
}, {
"value_name": "4"
} ""
Delete attributes
The correct way to eliminate the attribute value is by sending null in the "value_id" and "value_name" fields. This way, the attribute remains in the item, but without value. If any data is required and you try to send "null", we will return a bad request with the following error code: "code": "item.attributes.deleted_required" Request:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
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"id": "DIAMETER",
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"value_name": null
Next: Product identifiers.