Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Members of the Program
Consult enabled motives
Find out which motives you are enabled to report as a Member.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SITE_ID/ITM/options
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Response OK (200):
"description":"Uso ilegítimo de marca registrada",
"description_en":"Unlawful use of trademark",
"sub_text":"Por ejemplo, dice que es mi distribuidor oficial cuando no lo es, incluye mis logos en la descripción o en las imágenes de la publicación.",
"sub_text_en":"For example, says it is my official distributor when it is not, includes my logos in the description or in the images of the listing."
Make a complaint
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ITEM_ID
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
"report_reason_id": "PPPI1",
"comment": "Comment example.",
Copyright for images
If you want to make copyright claims for images, you must indicate in the body which images are the infringing ones. This will be required for reporting reasons PPPI4, PPPI6, PPPI7, PPPI17. You can get the IDs of the infringing images API from /items, in the pictures attribute..
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d
{ "report_reason_id":"PPPI1",
"comment":"Comment example.",
"photos_denounced": [
Response ok (200):
"status": 201,
"denounce_id": 12547408
Check a complaint status
Get information on the current status of the complaint and then respond to the seller you have reported.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DENOUNCE_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Response ok (200):
"item_info" {
"title": ,
"description": < string | null >,
"price": < number | null >,
"pictures": < array[object: "url": ] >,
"user_type": < string(seller|member) >,
"reason_text": ,
"member_name": ,
"member_quittance": < string | null >,
"seller_name": ,
"seller_quittance": < string | null >,
"document_url": < string | null >,
"document_name": < string | null >,
"due_date": ,
"reject_option_member": [
"sub_text_en": null,
"text_en": "The documentation does not correspond to the reported product",
"id": 1,
"text_pt": "A documentação não corresponde ao produto denunciado",
"sub_text_pt": null,
"text_es": "La documentación no se corresponde con el producto denunciado",
"sub_text_es": null
"sub_text_en": null,
"text_en": "The documentation is illegible",
"id": 2,
"text_pt": "A documentação está ilegível",
"sub_text_pt": null,
"text_es": "La documentación es ilegible",
"sub_text_es": null
"sub_text_en": "The documentation does not prove that they are authorized to use my brands, logos, or that they are official distributors",
"text_en": "You are not authorized to use this content",
"id": 3,
"text_pt": "Não está autorizado a usar este conteúdo",
"sub_text_pt": "A documentação não comprova que está autorizado a usar minhas marcas, logotipos ou que é um distribuidor oficial",
"text_es": "No está autorizado a utilizar este contenido",
"sub_text_es": "La documentación no prueba que está autorizado a usar mis marcas, logos, ni que es un distribuidor oficial"
"photos_denounced": [
"id": "670708-MLA40946169781_022020"
"status": "REMOVED",
"src": ""
"photos_new": [
"id": "8889-MLA26622267232_012016",
"src": ""
"id": "792503-MLA40997189396_032020",
"src": ""
Respond to a seller's
Once you make a complaint as a Program Member, the seller has 4 days to respond with documentation and then you will have 4 calendar days to respond to the seller.
- If you do not respond within the time limit, the seller's reported publication will be reactivated.
- To reply rejecting the seller's response, you must add inside the body the field reject_member_id with the id of the rejection reason previously obtained in the GET request inside the field reject_option_member.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DENOUNCE_ID -d
"documentation_approved":"false" ,
"member_quittance": ,
"reject_member_id": "1"
Example to approve a complaint:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DENOUNCE_ID -d
"documentation_approved":"true" ,
"member_quittance": < string | null >
Example to reject a complaint:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$DENOUNCE_ID -d
"member_quittance": < string | null >,
"reject_member_id": "1"
"item_info" {
"title": ,
"description": < string |null >,
"price": < number | null >,
"pictures": < array[object: "url": ] >,
"user_type": < string(seller|member) >,
"reason_text": ,
"member_name": ,
"member_quittance": < string | null >,
"seller_name": ,
"seller_quittance": < string |null >,
"document_url": < string |null >,
"document_name": < string |null >,
"due_date": ,
"reject_option_member": [
"sub_text_en": null,
"text_en": "The documentation does not correspond to the reported product",
"id": 1,
"text_pt": "A documentação não corresponde ao produto denunciado",
"sub_text_pt": null,
"text_es": "La documentación no se corresponde con el producto denunciado",
"sub_text_es": null
"sub_text_en": null,
"text_en": "The documentation is illegible",
"id": 2,
"text_pt": "A documentação está ilegível",
"sub_text_pt": null,
"text_es": "La documentación es ilegible",
"sub_text_es": null
"sub_text_en": "The documentation does not prove that they are authorized to use my brands, logos, or that they are official distributors",
"text_en": "You are not authorized to use this content",
"id": 3,
"text_pt": "Não está autorizado a usar este conteúdo",
"sub_text_pt": "A documentação não comprova que está autorizado a usar minhas marcas, logotipos ou que é um distribuidor oficial",
"text_es": "No está autorizado a utilizar este contenido",
"sub_text_es": "La documentación no prueba que está autorizado a usar mis marcas, logos, ni que es un distribuidor oficial"
"photos_denounced": [
"id": "670708-MLA40946169781_022020"
"status": "REMOVED",
"src": ""
"photos_new": [
"id": "8889-MLA26622267232_012016",
"src": ""
"id": "792503-MLA40997189396_032020",
"src": ""