Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Message management
message_id: Message id.
date_created: Date of creation.
date: Date a message is saved.
date_received: Date a message is received.
date_available:Date a message went through moderation.
date_notified: Date a message was notified to counterparty.
date_read: Date a message was read by counterparty.
from: A message sender.
user_id: Id of user who sent message.
to: A message recipient.
user_id: Id of user who received message.
subject: Email subject.
text: Message text.
plain: Message plain text.
attachments: Attached files.
attachments_validations: Attachment validation.
invalid_size: If attachment size is invalid.
invalid_extension: Invalid attachment extension.
internal_error: Internal error.
site_id: Mercado Libre (MLA, MLB, etc.) site.
resource: Corresponding to order it pertains to (orders).
resource_id: Order ID.
status: Message status.
moderation_status: Message moderation status
- clean
- rejected
- pending: for cases that moderation is in process.
- non_moderated: for old cases that moderation not apply moderation.
moderation.date_moderated: Date the moderation information impacted.
moderation.source Moderation mode.
moderation.reason Reason why the message was moderated. Currently, this moderation can be for inappropriate language (OUT_OF_PLACE_LANGUAGE), for social network links (SOCIAL_NETWORK_LINK), for shortened links (LINK_SHORT_URL), for being an automatic message from integrator (AUTOMATIC_MESSAGE), for personal information (PERSONAL_DATA), Mercado Pago links (LINK_MERCADOPAGO), external payment media links (ML_LINKS_PAYPAL) or for evasion of the claim (EVASION_CLAIM_SELLER).
Get messages by pack
To know the pack_id, you must obtain the “pack_id” field in the response of /orders /$ORDER_ID. If the pack id contains a null value, must take the order id by default, keeping the resource /packs in the API request.
The messages moderated by the counterpart will not be visible and the messages themselves will be visible.
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET$PACK_ID/sellers/$USER_ID
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X GET
"path": "/packs/2000000089077943/seller/415458330",
"status": "active",
"substatus": null,
"status_date": "2020-12-05T20:01:46.000Z",
"status_update_allowed": false,
"claim_id": null,
"shipping_id": null
"user_id": 123456789000,
"user_id": 2332423234,
"text":"Mensaje de test",
Status | Error | Message |
403 | User access token invalid for resource {resource_id} | User without access to order |
400 | The limit param must be greater than 0 | The “limit” request param must be greater than 0 |
400 | Invalid offset param | Invalid “Offset” param |
400 | Invalid limit param | Invalid “limit” param |
Get messages by ID
To know the messages associated with a pack, you must make a query to the resource /messages.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$MESSAGE_ID
Response example without header:
"message_id": "0033b582a1474fa98c02d229abcec43c",
"date_received": "2016-09-01T05:15:25.821Z",
"date": "2016-09-01T05:15:25.821Z",
"date_available": "2016-09-01T05:15:25.821Z",
"date_notified": "2016-09-01T05:17:42.945Z",
"date_read": "2016-09-01T21:31:19.606Z",
"from": {
"user_id": "123456789",
"to": [
"user_id": "123456780",
"subject": "Test Item subject",
"text": {
"plain": "Ejemplo de texto"
"attachments": [
"attachments_validations": {
"invalid_size": [
"invalid_extension": [
"forbidden": [
"internal_error": [
"site_id": "MLA",
"resource": "orders",
"resource_id": "1234567871",
"status": "available",
"moderation": {
"status": "clean",
"date_moderated": "2019-03-13T09:34:26.450-04:00",
"source": "online"
Updated response example with header:
"paging": null,
"conversation_status": null,
"messages": [
"id": "2c9380846a6fc814016a6fd38fe00007",
"site_id": "MLA",
"client_id": 1,
"from": {
"user_id": 391302538,
"status": "available",
"text": "newMessage",
"message_date": {
"received": "2019-04-30T19:58:17.000Z",
"available": "2019-04-30T19:58:17.000Z",
"notified": null,
"created": "2019-04-30T19:58:17.000Z",
"read": "2019-04-30T20:24:48.000Z"
"message_moderation": {
"status": "clean",
"reason": null,
"source": "online",
"moderation_date": "2019-04-30T19:58:17.000Z"
"message_attachments": [
"filename": "391302538_b6498e76-5af0-4206-aaeb-2aa6e754263e.jpg",
"original_filename": "319176.jpg",
"type": "image/jpeg",
"size": 661635,
"potential_security_threat": false,
"creation_date": "2019-04-30T19:58:17.000Z"
"message_resources": [
"id": "2000000094354573",
"name": "packs"
"id": "391302235",
"name": "sellers"
Status | Error | Message |
403 | Access denied for user 30265782 to message with id 006b9b2df38f452b80402041ae86f6d4 | User without access to a certain message |
400 | The specified message id does not exists | The specified message does not exist |
404 | The message with id: a could not be retrieved from storage | The message with id: a could not be retrieved from storage. Try again in a few seconds. |
Create message for a buyer
To send a message to your buyer, you have the 350 characters limit and remember that we accept those characters included in the ISO-8859-1 latin1 standard and the emoticons from this list.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$PACK_ID/sellers/$USER_ID?tag=post_sale
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -X POST"&application_id=$APPLICATION_ID?tag=post_sale
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'postman-token: 167b4f47-cb87-2b27-2a3c-cfb012df9314' \
-H 'x-client-id: 8794217632667367' \
-d '{
"from" : {
"user_id": "415458330",
"to": {
"user_id" : "415460047"
"text": "Test message ToUserId 2",
"attachments": ["415460047_a96d8dea-38cd-4402-938e-80a1c134fc5d.pdf"]
"message": "blocked_conversation_send_message_forbidden",
"error": "conversation_blocked",
"status": 403,
"cause": "blocked_by_cancelled_order"
Status | Error | Message |
400 | The text has character/s that is/are not supported. | The message content is too long, max characters allowed are 350 |
400 | The message content is too long, max characters allowed are 350 | When you send an unsupported character, for example: UTF-8. |
403 | You can not send the message because a mediation is in process | Blocked message error. This error only applies to Brazil. |
403 | You can not send the message because the purchase is Mercado Envíos Full and has not been yet delivered | Shipping error managed by Fulfillment (Mercado Libre) |
403 | Access denied for user {from.user_id} to order {to.resource_id} | The user “from” doesn´t have access to the order |
403 | Receiver does not belong to order {to.resource_id} | The recipient of the message does not belong to the order |
400 | The field 'to.user_id' is required | Message without receiver (need to add "to") |
400 | Invalid ‘to’ user id | Invalid “to” user id |
400 | Sender and received must not be equals | The user “from” and “to” are equal |
400 | The field '' must be a secure email | If the user_id is 0 and the email not be a secure_email |
400 | The field 'to.resource' is required | The field 'to.resource' is required |
400 | Invalid field 'to.resource' | Invalid resource attribute |
400 | The field 'to.site_id' is required | Request without site_id |
400 | The field 'to.site_id' has an invalid value | Invalid ite_id attribute |
400 | A JSON body is required | Post without Json body |
400 | The field 'from' is required | Message without ‘from’ |
400 | Access token is required | Request without access token |
400 | Application id is required | Access token without application_id |
Upload and save messages
To attach a file in the message, you need to save it first. Then, when the attachment is sent, the file id is returned as response.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
curl -X POST \
' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
-F 'file=@/home/user/.../Adjunto.jpg'
In this case, the server will respond with a JSON containing file id in case of a successful request.
"id": "210438685_59f0f034-db1b-4ea6-8c5e-1d34e2092482.jpg"
Status | Error | Message |
500 | File can not be saved, try it later | Problemas al almacenar el archivo |
400 | File attached is empty | Empty or null attachment |
400 | File name cannot include characters like /, \ | File name cannot include characters like /, \ |
400 | File attachment is bigger than 25 Mb. | File attachment is bigger than 25 Mb. |
400 | The message exceeds the allowed number of attachments: 25 | The message exceeds the allowed number of attachments: 25 |
400 | The queryparam 'site_id' is required | Request without site_id |
Get attachment
To get an attached message, you need to make a GET.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ATTCHMENT_ID?tag=post_sale&site_id=SITE_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
If the request is successful, the call will return the requested file. In case the file cannot be accessed, the server response will be the following:
Status | Error | Message |
500 | File can not be saved, try it later | File can not be saved, try it later |
Next: Pending messages.