Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Real Estate developments
Contact management (applies only to Mercado Libre Argentina and Mexico)
The inquiries received are managed like other properties and you can see Manage questions & contacts. There are several ways to contact:
- The upper right contact of the image gallery.
- The contact in each of the development models.
In all cases, an email is sent to the seller/realtor with the following information:
Hola Inmobiliaria de prueba,
Te hicieron una pregunta en Portal De Test Ok Listing:
Hola [Seller/Inmobiliaria], Estoy interesado en Desarrollo Portal De Test Ok Listing, por favor comunícate conmigo. ¡Gracias!
Estos son los datos del interesado:
Nombre: Test Test
Teléfono: 01-1111-1111
This email will be accompanied by a notification for the seller or real estate in the user's account. The notification icon received in your account will look like this:
The notification:
The response form with the related information will be displayed as follows:
Eventually, we will allow users to contact each other through new functionality, without registering. The form will be:
In this case, the mail received by the seller or real estate would be:
Hola Inmuebles Ricardo,
Te hicieron una pregunta en Portal De Test Ok Listing:
Esa es una buena pregunta!
Estos son los datos del interesado:
Nombre: Nombre Apellido
Teléfono: [Responder]
It is important to remember that the phone may not appear because it is not a mandatory data of the form shown above, that is, the user can decide whether to send it or not.
Seller needs to have a package of the “real estate development” type.
The integrator must search the right category under the category tree:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
The category to be sent must always be a daughter. In the example below, the daughter category is MLA401805, which is the category associated to real estate developments.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Real state
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Real Estate Entrepreneurships
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
Pictures of the variations must be sent using the pictures resource, as shown in the example, that is, they are sent in the same POST, in the pictures array. The photos where the ID is not in the variations, are not shown in the "home" of the development. But those that have the ID in the variations, are seen in the description and price.
The maximum number of images to send is defined by category in the "max_pictures_per_item" and "max_pictures_per_item_var" fields.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
"max_pictures_per_item": 80,
"max_pictures_per_item_var": 6,
Publish a real estate development
A development must have at least one variation (unit) and all attributes and combinations of variations can be obtained through the category features/attributes, as shown in the example below:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$CATEGORY_ID/attributes
A publication contains attributes at the item level, which are features of the development itself, and that are represented under the attributes tag. The title of the development, for example, is represented by the DEVELOPMENT_NAME attribute. Each variation under the variations array represents a unit in itself. Then, a variation contains attribute_combinations, which would be a unit PK. There cannot be two variations with the same combination of values in the attributes used in attribute_combinations. For example, the UNIT_NAME value can be the differential. Each variation has the attributes of the unit itself, which are added to the features of the general development.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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A real estate developement can not have in its variations a currency other than the price of the venture.
"title": "Casas financiadas en pesos y planes de ahorro",
"category_id": "MLA401805",
And in each variation you should only mention the "price" without mentioning the currency again.
A quotation occurs when a potential buyer makes a quotation in an ad of the “real estate development” type. He chooses the plan and the unit, and, therefrom, he can know the price. A quotation is a document containing seller, item and buyer information, at the time the quotation is created. When a user requests a quotation, the item information is “frozen” and kept like this to secure the price of the time in which the quotation was made, if there are any later changes. For some methods below, the integrator must send a caller.type variable to identify who is calling the action. It may be seller or user. In general, for development applications, such person will be seller.
How is your app notified of a quotation?
The creation of a quotation is an event produced on Mercado Libre’s side, therefore, you must register in our quotation feed to know in real time when such event occurs. Go to our Application Manager and edit the Notification Settings of your application. You must select a Callback URL: set the public URL of the domain where you wish to receive all notifications of Mercado Libre. For example: “< ahref="">”.
Delete a quotation
A HTTP PUT must be used in the following format:
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -d '{
"delete" : true
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Search a quotation
To search this number, use a HTTP GET in the following format:
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$QUOTATIONID?caller.type=$CALLER.TYPE
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'
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"created_at": "2020-03-11T17:01:10Z",
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