Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Our goal is to improve the quality of our sellers' listings. For this reason
we provide a flow that validates consistencies within the listing before its
creation and, on certain occasions, requests corrective actions from the
seller to meet the expected requirements.
Example of a response with validations after executing the request to create
a listing:
"message": "Validation error",
"error": "validation_error",
"status": 400,
"cause": [
"department": "structured-data",
"cause_id": 2511,
"type": "warning",
"code": "create.item.attribute.business_conditional",
"references": [
"message": "Attribute [AGE_GROUP] to be added with values [(6725189,null)]"
"department": "moderations",
"cause_id": 3250,
"type": "error",
"code": "moderations.seller.not_authorized",
"references": [
"message": "Seller is not authorized for this brand and category"
"department": "structured-data",
"cause_id": 1212,
"type": "warning",
"code": "normalize.item.attribute.values",
"references": [
"message": "Attribute [SIZE] to be modified - values [(null,32.5 BR)] should be [(11375386,32.5 BR)] - Normalized form: [migration]"
"department": "shipping",
"cause_id": 4029,
"type": "warning",
"code": "shipping.me2_adoption_mandatory",
"references": [
"message": "ME2 adoption is mandatory for the user"
Fields description
- message: message indicating that it was generated by quality validation.
- error: error code.
- status: http code to identify an error.
- cause: array that contains the detail of the validations executed and that may require action by the seller to resolve them.
- department: name of Mercado Libre's area that is the owner of the validation.
- cause_id: validation ID.
- type: validation type with two possible values: warning (non-blocking validation for the execution of the request, informative) or error (blocking validation for the execution of the request that requires an action from the seller that modifies the JSON).
- code: validation code.
- references: references to JSON features that caused the validation.
- message: message that details the validation caused.
You will find below the details of the validations that help to improve the quality of the publications, where the first four columns refer to the cause_id, type, code and message fields of the response, respectively:
ID | Type | Validation code | Message | Description | Posible solution |
101 | error | body.invalid_field_types | linvalid property type: [$FIELD_ID] expected URL-Friendly String but was String value: $VALUE. | The $FIELD_ID has invalid $VALUE values | For available field values, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/$TYPE_ID |
109 | error | item.price.invalid | The category $CATEGORY_ID requires a minimum price of $VALUE | The price is below that allowed for this category. | Check the minimum_price field in /categories/$CATEGORY_ID. |
126 | error | item.category_id.invalid | Is not allowed to post in category $CATEGORY_ID. Make sure you're posting in a leaf category". | "listing_allowed": false, therefore, it is not allowed to list in this category. | Check the listing_allowed field in /categories/$CATEGORY_ID. |
129 | error | item.price.invalid | Price must be less than 9999999999. | EThe price exceeds the maximum allowed. | Correct the price field with a valid price. |
147 | error | item.attributes. missing_required | The attributes [$ATTRIBUTE_ID] are required for category $CATEGORY_ID and channel marketplace. Check the attribute is present in the attributes list or in all variation's attributes_combination or attributes. | The $ATTRIBUTE_ID attribute is mandatory for this $CATEGORY_ID category. | To view the mandatory attributes in the category, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes recognizing "tags": { "required": true}. |
154 | error | item.attributes. invalid_length | Invalid value length for attribute $ATTRIBUTE_ID. Maximum length is 255. | Exceeded maximum length for the $ATTRIBUTE_ID attribute. | To view the attributes, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes, value_max_length field. |
173 | error | item.listing_ type_id.requiresPictures | Item pictures are mandatory for listing type gold_special. | The photos are mandatory. | Link photos to the listing. |
201 | error | | Items in category $CATEGORY_ID cannot exceeds $NUMBER pictures. | The photos exceed the maximum quantity allowed. | Check the allowed limit for photos in /categories/$CATEGORY_ID, max_pictures_per_item andmax_pictures_per_item_var fields. |
204 | error | picture_not_found | Picture id $PICTURE_ID does not exist. | The image does not exist. | Enter a valid image. |
369 | error | body.required_fields | The variations[$VARIATION_NUMBER] does not contains some or none of the following properties [attribute_combinations, $ATTRIBUTE_ID]. | The $ATTRIBUTE_ID attribute is mandatory for the attribute_combinations array in the variation. | To view the mandatory attributes in the category, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes recognizing "tags": {"required": true}. |
372 | error | item.attributes. non_existent.limit_exceeded | The attribute_combinations not existing in category $CATEGORY_ID in the variation $VARIATION_ID exceed the allowed amount, only 1 of this kind is allowed. | Some of the attributes specified in the attribute_combinations array do not exist or are repeated | Check the attribute_combinations array. |
382 | warning | item.category_id.migrated | Category id migrated to: $CATEGORY_ID. | The entered category id was migrated to $CATEGORY-ID. | The change is automatic and does not apply. |
394 | error | item.attribute.values .name.invalid | Attribute $ATTRIBUTE_ID has a values entry with name too long ($CHARACTERS_NUMBER). Maximum name size allowed is 255. | Exceeded the maximum length for the $ATTRIBUTE_ID attribute. | To view the attributes, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes, value_max_length field. |
465 | error | item.video_id.dropped | Item video id was dropped. | We have disabled the option to include YouTube videos in Mshops and Marketplace listings. | Use Clips. |
1212 | warning | normalize.item. attribute.values | Attribute [$ATTRIBUTE] to be modified - values [($VALUE_ID,$VALUE_NAME)] should be [($VALUE_ID,$VALUE_NAME)] - Normalized form: [migration]. | The attribute does not have value_id or value_name specified in the request. We complete the missing field automatically. | Not applicable. |
2511 | warning | create.item.attribute. business_conditional | Attribute $ATTRIBUTE to be added with values [($VALUE_ID,$VALUE_NAME)]". | The attribute is not specified in the request. We add it automatically. | Not applicable. |
3250 | error | moderations.seller. not_authorized | Seller is not authorized for this brand and category. | This brand should be accredited, i.e., show that the products are acquired from retailers ordistributors authorized by the brand in the country. | Log in to Mercado Libre and go to "Sales" and then to "Sales preferences" and "Accreditations". After that, select “Accredit brand”, go to the brand, accredit it and attach the invoices. |
3510 | error | Attribute [%s] is not valid, item values [%s] | "Attribute [%s] is not valid, item values [%s]", attributeId, itemValuesStr | The required attributes in the Category and/or domains are validated. | Please log in with valid attributes. |
4029 | warning | shipping.me2_ adoption_mandatory | ME2 adoption is mandatory for the user. | The ME2 shipping type is mandatory for the user. We complete the information automatically. | Not applicable. |
7710 | error | item.attribute. product_identifier .invalid | Product Identifier [GTIN] has invalid values: [$VALUE]. | The product identifier contains invalid characters. | Enter a valid product identifier. |
7711 | error | item.attribute. product_identifier .invalid_format | Product Identifier [GTIN] contains values with invalid format: [$VALUE]. | The product identifier in this case GTIN is in the wrong format. | Enter a valid product identifier. |
7712 | error | item.attribute. product_identifier .invalid_by_domain_catalog | Product Identifier [GTIN] with values [$VALUE] corresponds to category [$CATEGORY_ID]. | The product identifier submitted corresponds to a product from another category $CATEGORY_ID within the same domain where you are publishing. | Enter a valid product identifier for the category you are posting. |
7714 | error | The {$UNIVERSAL_CODE_FIELD} universal code has an incorrect format. | At least one attribute of the type (GTIN, EAN, UPC, JAN, GTIN14, ISBN, ISBN10, ISBN13) is invalid. | You can validate the codes, using this resource /product-identifier/validator?product_identifier=$UNIVERSAL_CODE_FIELD. | |
7810 | error | item.attribute.missing_ conditional_required | The attributes [GTIN] are required for category [$CATEGORY_ID]. Check the attribute is present in the attributes list or in all variation's attributes_combination or attributes. | The GTIN is a mandatory attribute for the category $CATEGORY_ID. | To view the mandatory attributes in the category, see /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes recognizing. "conditional_required": true. |
3701 | error | item.attribute.invalid_product_identifier | Enter a universal code that you have not used in another brand listing/category listing. | The GTIN was used for other listings of another brand or domain. | Correct the GTIN or universal code field. |
3702 | error | item.attribute.invalid_sanitary_registry_value | The value you entered in {$ATTRIBUTE_ID} is incorrect. An example is: {$VALUE}. | It has format errors in sanitary registry details. | Correct the $ATTRIBUTE_ID attribute with a valid value. |
3703 | error | | The photos must have a minimum size of 500 pixels on at least one side. | The photos must have a minimum size of 500 pixels on at least one side. | Upload photos that comply with the minimum standard of 500 pixels. |
3704 | error | item.attribute.missing_catalog_required | The {$FIELD_ID} field is mandatory and was not added. | Some of the attributes of catalog_required or catalog_child_required type are missing. | To view the mandatory attributes in the category, check /categories/$CATEGORY_ID/attributes identifying "catalog_required": true or “catalog_child_required”: true |
3715 | error | item.title.minimum_length | You should include more main features in the title to differentiate it from other products. | The title should include more features about the product offered. | Correct the listing title field. |
3706 | error | | An error occurred while processing the photo. Please upload it again. | There was an error during the main photo upload process, or it was unavailable. | Try uploading the listing. If the error persists, change the photo. |
3707 | error | item.descriptions.length_exceeded | You exceeded the {$VALUE} character limit. Shorten the description. | The description must not exceed $VALUE characters. | Correct the description to avoid exceeding the maximum quantity of allowed characters. |
3708 | error | item.attribute.number_invalid_format | The value you entered in {$FIELD_ID} is incorrect. An example is: {$VALUE}. | The value you enter in the $FIELD_ID field is incorrect. | Correct wrong values that have an incorrect format in numeric attributes. |
3709 | error | item.attribute.invalid_sale_units | You added {$VALUE_1} in the {$FIELD_ID_1} field, but you have not filled out the {$FIELD_ID_2} field. You added {$VALUE_1} in the {$FIELD_ID_1} field and, in this case, the {$FIELD_ID_2} field should not be {$VALUE_2}. If in the {ase, the {$FIELD_ID} option, you chose {$VALUE_1}, in this field you must fill in {ase, the {$VALUE_2}. | You have loaded {0} in field{1}, but have not completed field {2}. You have loaded {0} in the field {1} andin this field {2} must not be {3}. If in {0} you have chosen {1}, in this field you must complete {2}. | Correct the attributes SALE_FORMAT and UNITS_PER_PACK. Under the following conditions: If it is loading UNITS_PER_PACK, then SALE_FORMAT must be loaded. If SALE_FORMAT has value Unit, then UNITS_PER_PACK (if loaded) must be 1. If SALE_FORMAT has value Pack, then UNITS_PER_PACK must be greater than 1. If SALE_FORMAT has value Weight, then NET_WEIGHT must be loaded. |
3710 | error | item.attribute.invalid_voltage | It is not allowed to sell products of this voltage in Argentina. | It applies to Argentina, has a voltage between 100 and 199 Volts, and its sale is not allowed. | Not applicable. |
3711 | error | item.attribute.gtin_invalid_domain | The {$GTIN} universal code corresponds to the {$CATEGORY_ID} category. | It validates that the GTIN is not in another product corresponding to another domain you are publishing to. | Add a valid product identifier for the category you are publishing. |
3712 | error | item.attribute.gtin_invalid_brand | The {$GTIN} universal code corresponds to the {$BRAND} brand. | The universal code informed corresponds to another $BRAND brand different from the one you informed for your publication. | Add a valid product identifier for the category you are publishing. |
4210 | error | invalid.title.gender | Please make sure you enter a gender that matches the title of your listing. | The title of the item refers to a gender different from the one specified in the GENDER attribute. | You must correct the title so that it refers to the same gender as detailed in the technical specifications of the item. |