Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Última actualización 15/04/2024
Users & Apps
Resource | Description | Example |
/users/$CUST_ID | User account information. | GET PUT
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Get user information.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{User_id} Response:{ "id": 206946886, "nickname": "TETE6838590", "registration_date": "2016-02-24T15: 18: 42.000-04: 00", "first_name": "Pedro", "last_name": "Picapiedras", "country_id": "AR", "email": "", "identification": { "type": "DNI", "number": "33333333" }, "address": { "state": "AR-C", "city": "CapitalFederal", "address": "Triunvirato5555", "zip_code": "1414" }, "phone": { "area_code": "011", "number": "4444-4444", "extension": "001", "verified": false }, "alternative_phone": { "area_code": "", "number": "", "extension": "" }, "user_type": "normal", "tags": [ "normal", "test_user", "user_info_verified" ], "logo": null, "points": 100, "site_id": "MLA", "permalink": "http: //", "shipping_modes": [ "custom", "not_specified" ], "seller_experience": "ADVANCED", "seller_reputation": { "level_id": null, "power_seller_status": null, "transactions": { "period": "historic", "total": 0, "completed": 0, "canceled": 0, "ratings": { "positive": 0, "negative": 0, "neutral": 0 } } }, "buyer_reputation": { "canceled_transactions": 0, "transactions": { "period": "historic", "total": null, "completed": null, "canceled": { "total": null, "paid": null }, "unrated": { "total": null, "paid": null }, "not_yet_rated": { "total": null, "paid": null, "units": null } }, "tags": [ ] }, "status": { "site_status": "active", "list": { "allow": true, "codes": [ ], "immediate_payment": { "required": false, "reasons": [ ] } }, "buy": { "allow": true, "codes": [ ], "immediate_payment": { "required": false, "reasons": [ ] } }, "sell": { "allow": true, "codes": [ ], "immediate_payment": { "required": false, "reasons": [ ] } }, "billing": { "allow": true, "codes": [ ] }, "mercadopago_tc_accepted": true, "mercadopago_account_type": "personal", "mercadoenvios": "not_accepted", "immediate_payment": false, "confirmed_email": false, "user_type": "simple_registration", "required_action": "" }, "credit": { "consumed": 100, "credit_level_id": "MLA1" } }Learn more. Go backX
Update user information.curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d { "identification_type": "DNI", "identification_number": "33333333", "address": "Triunvirato 5555", "state":"AR-C", "city":"Capital Federal", "zip_dode": "1431", "phone":{ "area_code":"011", "number":"4444-4444", "extension":"001" }, "first_name":"Pedro", "last_name": "Picapiedras", "company":{ "corporate_name":"Acme", "brand_name":"Acme Company" }, "mercadoenvios": "accepted" } more. |
/users/me | Returns account information about the authenticated user. | GET
Go back X
Get information about the authenticated in user.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "id": 178553776, "user_id": 206946886, "contact": null, "phone": null, "address_line": "Triunvirato 5555", "floor": null, "apartment": null, "street_number": "5555", "street_name": "Triunvirato", "zip_code": "1414", "city": { "id": "TUxBQlZJTDcwOTla", "name": "Villa Urquiza" }, "state": { "id": "AR-C", "name": "Capital Federal" }, "country": { "id": "AR", "name": "Argentina" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": null }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "search_location": { "state": { "id": "TUxBUENBUGw3M2E1", "name": "Capital Federal" }, "city": { "id": null, "name": null }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": null } }, "types": [ ], "comment": "", "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP", "latitude": -34.5676878, "longitude": -58.4933182, "status": "active", "date_created": "2016-02-24T16:29:59.000-04:00", "normalized": true, "open_hours": { "on_holidays": { "hours": [ ], "status": "closed" } } }Learn more. |
/users/$CUST_ID/addresses | Return addresses registered by the user. | GET
Go back X
Get user addresses.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "id": 178553776, "user_id": 206946886, "contact": null, "phone": null, "address_line": "Triunvirato5555", "floor": null, "apartment": null, "street_number": "5555", "street_name": "Triunvirato", "zip_code": "1414", "city": { "id": "TUxBQlZJTDcwOTla", "name": "VillaUrquiza" }, "state": { "id": "AR-C", "name": "CapitalFederal" }, "country": { "id": "AR", "name": "Argentina" }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": null }, "municipality": { "id": null, "name": null }, "search_location": { "state": { "id": "TUxBUENBUGw3M2E1", "name": "CapitalFederal" }, "city": { "id": null, "name": null }, "neighborhood": { "id": null, "name": null } }, "types": [ ], "comment": "", "geolocation_type": "ROOFTOP", "latitude": -34.5676878, "longitude": -58.4933182, "status": "active", "date_created": "2016-02-24T16: 29: 59.000-04: 00", "normalized": true, "open_hours": { "on_holidays": { "hours": [ ], "status": "closed" } } }Learn more. |
/users/$CUST_ID/accepted_payment_methods | Returns payment methods accepted by a seller to collect its operations. | GET
Go back X
Get accepted payment methods by user.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response"{ "id": "visa", "name": "Visa", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "master", "name": "Mastercard", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "amex", "name": "American Express", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "naranja", "name": "Naranja", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "nativa", "name": "Nativa Mastercard", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "tarshop", "name": "Tarjeta Shopping", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cencosud", "name": "Cencosud", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cabal", "name": "Cabal", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "argencard", "name": "Argencard", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "diners", "name": "Diners", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "pagofacil", "name": "Pago Fácil", "payment_type_id": "ticket", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "rapipago", "name": "Rapipago", "payment_type_id": "ticket", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "redlink", "name": "RedLink", "payment_type_id": "atm", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "bapropagos", "name": "Provincia Pagos", "payment_type_id": "ticket", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "account_money", "name": "Dinero en mi cuenta de MercadoPago", "payment_type_id": "account_money", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cmr", "name": "CMR", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cordial", "name": "Cordial", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cordobesa", "name": "Cordobesa", "payment_type_id": "credit_card", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }, { "id": "cargavirtual", "name": "Red Carga Virtual", "payment_type_id": "ticket", "thumbnail": "", "secure_thumbnail": "" }"Learn more. |
/applications/$APP_ID | Returns information about the application. | GET
Go back X
Get application details.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response"{ "id": 3022782903258037, "site_id": "MLA", "name": "TestJuli", "description": "prueba1Juli", "thumbnail": null, "owner_id": 206478736, "catalog_product_id": null, "item_id": null, "price": null, "currency_id": null, "need_authorization": true, "short_name": "test1", "url": "", "callback_url": "", "sandbox_mode": true, "is_public": true, "project_id": null, "active": true, "max_requests_per_hour": 18000, "scopes": [], "domains": [ ] }Learn more. |
/users/$USER_ID/brands | This resource retrieves brands associated to an user_id. The official_store_id attribute identifies a store. | GET
Go back X
Get brands by user.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response"{ "cust_id": 12345678, "tags": [ "large_seller", "user_info_verified", "brand" ], "brands": [ { "tags": [ "girls", "female" ], "official_store_id": 16, "categories_ids": [ "MLA1430" ], "fantasy_name": "47 Street", "site_id": "MLA", "status": "active", "name": "47 Street", "pictures": [ { "id": 104, "name": "big_logo", "secure_url": null, "url": "", "size": "174x164" }, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} ], "relevance_position": 50 }, {}, {}, {}, {} ], "site_id": "MLA", "user_type": "brand" }"Learn more. |
/users/$USER_ID/classifieds_promotion_packs | Manage user promotion packs. | GET POST
Go back X
Get promotions packs engaged by user.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response"{ "id": 754985, "user_id": "135146148", "promotion_pack_id": "MPAB", "category_id": "MLU1743", "description": "Paquete 15 Básico", "package_type": "rotary", "status": "active", "date_created": "2013-05-23T15:34:48.498-04:00", "date_start": "2013-05-23T15:34:47.544-04:00", "date_expires": "2013-06-22T15:34:47.544-04:00", "date_stopped": null, "last_updated": "2013-05-23T15:35:48.211-04:00", "engagement_type": "none", "charge_id": 822129921, "remaining_listings": 15, "used_listings": 0, "listing_details": [ { "listing_type_id": "silver", "available_listings": 15, "used_listings": 0, "remaining_listings": 15 } ] }"Learn more. Go backX
You can associate an existing pack with a user. A commercial advisor performs the creation of packs.curl-X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-type:application/json"-d '{ "categ_id": "MLA1459", "promotion_pack_id": "IPIN", "engagement_type": "none", "status": "active" }'https: //$USER_ID/classifieds_promotion_packsLearn more. |
/users/$USER_ID/classifieds_promotion_packs/$LISTING_TYPE&categoryId=$CATEGORY_ID | Availability for the user to list under a given Listing Type and category according to packages engaged. | GET
Go back X
Get the availability Listing Type availability by user and category.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "has_available_listings": true }Learn more. |
/users/$CUST_ID/available_listing_types?category_id=$CATEGORY_ID | Listing types availability by user and category. | GET
Go back X
Get available listing types.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "available": [ { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold_pro", "name": "Oro Premium Full", "remaining_listings": null, "mapping": "gold_pro" }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold_special", "name": "Oro Profesional", "remaining_listings": null, "mapping": "gold_special" } ], "exceptions_by_category": [ { "category_id": "MLA1743", "available": [ { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold_premium", "name": "Oro Premium", "remaining_listings": null }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold", "name": "Oro", "remaining_listings": null }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "silver", "name": "Plata", "remaining_listings": null } ] }, { "category_id": "MLA1540", "available": [ { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold_premium", "name": "Platino 365", "remaining_listings": null }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "gold", "name": "Platino 90", "remaining_listings": null }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "silver", "name": "Básico 365", "remaining_listings": null }, { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "bronze", "name": "Básico 90", "remaining_listings": null } ] }, { "category_id": "MLA1459", "available": [ { "site_id": "MLA", "id": "silver", "name": "Plata", "remaining_listings": 100000 } ] } ] }Learn more. |
/users/$CUST_ID/available_listing_type/$LISTING_TYPE_ID?category_id=$CATEGORY_ID | Retrieves availability to list under a listing type for a given category. | GET
Go back X
Get category availability.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' Response{ "available": false, "cause": "Your feedback does not allow you to use this listing type.", "code": "", "mapping": "gold_special" }Learn more. |
/users/$USER_ID/applications/$APP_ID | Application permissions. | DELETE
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Revoke permissions to an application.$ curl -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H “Content-Type:application/json”$CUST_ID/applications/$APP_IDLearn more. |
/missed_feeds?app_id=$APP_ID | Notifications history. | GET
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Get historic of notifications by app.$ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$APP_IDLearn more. |